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De passengers an' crew was washed ashoah from de wrack, but de only ones wot came to de beach alive was Massah Jack an' his poor dear mother." "And the mother " The doctor paused. "She only libed fo' two days. She died up to de house, leabin' de boy to Mrs. Ruthven. De missus promised to look after de boy as her own an' she has gone dun it, too, sah." "Then Mrs.

No shark he, dat ere skulkin' fella. He am massa long-nose, de real enemy ob de albacore. No fear ob dem leabin' us, while he anywhar in sight." Saying this the Coromantee proceeded to single out his hooks; and, assisted by Ben Brace, commenced baiting them with an unconcern that testified a full confidence in the truth of his assertion.

I'd been tinkin' 'bout Vilet, but I didn't like de suggestin ob her leabin' you to do so much, ob de work. But go ahead, Sissy; go ahead, Vilet, an' you'll fin' me easy goin' at meal times." "Come here, Vilet," said the minister. The girl had been sitting on the floor at Aun' Sheba's feet, listening quietly and intelligently to all that had been said.

De missus an' Missy Roberta were perlite but bery cold-like, but Missy S'wanee, while she show dat she was a reb down to de bottom ob her good, kine heart, could smile an' say sunshiny tings all de same. Dis night pass bery quiet, an' in de mawnin' de Linkum cunnel say he hab orders ter 'tire toward de Union lines. He feel bery bad 'bout leabin' Cap'n Lane, but de surgeon say he mus' not be moved.

"No fear, Massa Brace, no fear o' dem leabin dis ole Cat'maran, so long's de be a-gwine on dat fashion. Looker dar! Fuss to one side, den de todder, back and for'rad as ef de cudn't be content nowha." While Snowball was speaking, and before he had commenced, the albacores had entered upon a peculiar movement.

"'Way back in de dark ages, w'en de whaleships war de pi'neers ob commerce, 'n day wan't no worryin', poofity-plukity steamboats a-poundin' along, 'nough ter galley ebery whale clean eout ob dere skin, dey war plenty whaleships fill up in twelve, fifteen, twenty monf' after leabin' home.

"But you wouldn't want me to stay and bother Aunt Kirsty in the kitchen all my life, now, would you, Mammy Viney? I thought men were a nuisance there." "Men's jus' a trouble eberywhar," she said sternly. "Dat Mahogany Bill he was jus' like all de res', an' here you doin' de same, goin' off an' leabin' folks in de lurch, with all de hard work to do. I'se shame of you dat I is!"

Should de vict'ry still remain wid our side, I promise you 'tection an 'munity from 'noyance! "Den he bow an' gallop arter his men dat was chasin' our sogers, leabin' anoder ossifer in charge ob de pris'ners. De head Linkum man was Cap'n Lane." "I knew it, I knew it," cried Marian. "Ah! he's a friend to be proud of."