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"Bray vhat might be der age of das laty dat you callet olt young missus?" asked my uncle. "Gosh! she nutten but gal born sometime just a'ter ole French war. Remember her well 'nough when she Miss Dus Malbone. Young masser Mordaunt take fancy to her, and make her he wife." "Vell, I hopes you hafn't any objection to der match?"

"Crikey!" said Bert, overwhelmed. "I peg your pardon?" "Jest a twinge," said Bert, raising his hand to his bandaged head. "Ah! Also I am instructed to say that as for that noble, unrightly accused laty you haf championed so brafely against Pritish hypocrisy and coldness, all ze chivalry of Chermany is on her site." "Lady?" said Bert faintly, and then recalled the great Butteridge love story.

"If we might sheat anypodies, we shouldn't sheat so goot a laty." I do not know whether my voice struck Patt's ear pleasantly, or a wish to see the project of her grandmother carried out at once, induced my sister to interfere; but interfere she did, and that by urging her aged parent to put confidence in us. Years had taught my grandmother caution, and she hesitated.

And now she'll pe playing you ta coronach of Clenco, which she was make herself for her own pipes." "I want to know first what Malcolm's real name is," persisted Lady Florimel. "Well, you see, my laty," returned Duncan, "some people has names and does not know them; and some people hasn't names, and will pe supposing they haf."