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Examples might be multiplied and would but serve to show that the rapport existing between the human soul and the world soul, the individual consciousness and the collective consciousness, is capable of being actively induced by recourse to appropriate means and developed where it exists in latency by means of the crystal, the black concave mirror or other suitable agent.

Activity and latency are such conditions, and therefore Mendel's law obviously applies to them. They require pairs of antagonistic qualities, and have no connection whatever with those qualities, which do not find an opponent in the other parent. Now, only pure varieties afford such pure conditions.

*The Sexual Inhibition.* It is during this period of total or at least partial latency that the psychic forces develop which later act as inhibitions on the sexual life, and narrow its direction like dams. These psychic forces are loathing, shame, and moral and esthetic ideal demands.

We, moreover, verified from experience the belief that the external influences of seduction, might produce premature breaches in the latency period leading as far as the suppression of the same, and that the sexual impulse of the child really shows itself to be polymorphous-perverse; furthermore, that every such premature sexual activity impairs the educability of the child.

We will therefore add that the same process acts in the development of every individual, and that it begins to act in the sexual latency period. We can also venture an opinion about the mechanisms of such sublimation.

Nor is this again sufficient, for it must be supplemented by a perception of the oneness of personality between parents and offspring, the persistence of memory through all generations, the latency of this memory until rekindled by the recurrence of the associated ideas, and the unconsciousness with which repeated acts come to be performed.

That waywardness which was a legitimate inheritance from generations of wilful forebears, impatient of all those restraints which a fixed environment imposes upon the individual, an impatience which had always been hers though it slumbered in unsuspected latency, asserted itself of a sudden, possessed her wholly, and warmed, her being like forbidden wine.

Another instance may be quoted; it has been pointed out by Grant Allen, and refers to the dead-nettle or Lamium album. Systematically placed in a genus with red-flowering species, we may regard its white color as due to the latency of the general red pigment.

The Age at which Dogs take Distemper They may take distemper at any age; the most common time of life is from the fifth till the eleventh or twelfth month. Symptoms There is, first and foremost, a period of latency or of incubation, in which there is more or less of dullness and loss of appetite, and this glides gradually into a state of feverishness.

A sub-species of sublimation is the suppression through reaction-formation, which, as we have found, begins even in the latency period of infancy, only to continue throughout life in favorable cases.