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According to appointment, Art came a short time after night-fall, with two or three young boys along with him. The corn was sacked and put on the horses; but before that was done, they had a dhrop, for Art's pocket and the bottle were ould acquaintances. They all then sat down in Larry's, or, at laste, as many as there were seats for, and fell to it.

I've often moralated on that same, and I've noticed that as it is wid pigs, so it is wid men and women some of them at laste the more advice ye give them, the less they take."

'I wud be in favor iv havin' th' rigimints get their feet round wanst a week, at laste, he says. 'Lave us, he says, 'reform th' reg'lations, he says, 'an' insthruct our sojers to keep their powdher dhry an' their whistles wet, he says." "Th' idee ought to take, Hinnissy, f'r th' other doctor la-ad has discovered that liquor is food.

"If I had anything to do with it at all I'd tread on Flannigan's coat, and you can tell him so, for disgracing the Corps.... Take off your jacket and help with my boots, Shocky. I'm for Guard." "Oi'd clane the boots of no man that ud demane himself to ax it," was the haughty reply of the disappointed warrior. "Not for less than a quart at laste," he amended.

Oh, Katy! Think how you'd feel if some one had siparated you and Dolan before you'd iver been togither!" Katie Dolan gathered her sister into her arms. "You poor lamb," she wailed. "I've known ivery word of this for fiftane years, and if I'd had the laste idea 'twas so, I'd a busted Jimmy Malone to smithereens before it iver happened!" "I won't go back! I won't go back!" raved Mary.

"Well, then," interrupted Ellen, "there's at laste ninety-nine chances out of a hundred that your blessed father never had a hair of his head touched, and that's sayin' a good deal, darlin'." "It is indeed, Miss Ruth," added Katie, who had been hovering around anxious to do something to help.

Maguire meanwhile was fain to share the apartment of Oliver Dobbs, the squire's own man; a jocular proposal of joint occupancy having been first indignantly rejected by "Mademoiselle," though preferred with the "laste taste in life" of Mr. Barney's most insinuating brogue. "Come, Charles, the urn is absolutely getting cold; your breakfast will be quite spoiled: what can have made you so idle?"

The ende of the seventh and laste booke of the arte of warre, of Nicholas Machiavell, Citezein and Secretarie of Florence, translated out of Italian into Englishe: By Peter Whitehorne, felow of Graise Inne.

Odericus dixit, Vnus cuman est decem millium. Summa tributi annui, quinquaginta milia millium Florenorum. In illis namque partibus magnus numerorum summas estimant per cuman, numerum 10. millium qui et in Flamingo dicitur laste.

"Divil a word worth telling; at laste that I can hear." "I mane from Bodagh Buie's." Bartle stared at him; "Bodagh Buie's! what do I know about Bodagh Buie? are you ravin'?" "Bartle," said Connor, smiling, "my father and mother knows all about it an' about your going to Una with the letter. I have no secrets from them." "Hoot toot!