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For any violator of the law she had the uttermost abhorrence, and the only weakness in her ethics arose out of her failure to discriminate between relative importances, for she undoubtedly regarded the sale of a glass of beer after the closing hour as being quite as reprehensible as grand larceny or the bearing of false witness.

Helene: ``I stole nothing from Mme Gauthier except one bottle of wine. If I commit a larceny it is from choler. It was when Helene began to poison for vengeance that retribution fell upon her. Her fondness for the bottle started to get her into trouble. It made her touchy.

"For me the keepers of convicts shoulder their carbines and keep watch; It is I left out in the morning, and barr'd at night. Not a mutineer walks handcuffed to jail, but I am handcuffed and walk by his side; "Not a youngster is taken for larceny, but I go up too, and am tried and sentenced.

Glorious will be the day when all the cities which have stolen the fragments of thy temple, Venice, Paris, London, and Copenhagen, shall make good their larceny, form holy alliances to bring these fragments back, saying: 'Pardon us, O Goddess, it was done to save them from the evil genii of the night, and rebuild thy walls to the sound of the flute, thus expiating the crime of Lysander the infamous!

A case of the same kind with those argued by Bishop Gibson arose often in trials for larceny we mean as to that enactment which fixed the minimum for a capital offence. This case is noticed by the bishop, and juries of late years often took the casuistry into their own hands.

"That this man I've just knocked down is under arrest for participation in the Laredo stage robbery and for numerous other crimes, including the larceny of some location papers he was about to file." The words came from an athletic young man who had felled Peggy's assailant. The girl looked up at him.

Sherwin, a tall, dignified man, with a face that had no more expression in it than a piece of coal. He was never known to lean to the side of mercy during the whole of his career as an officer, and as commissioner he had exclusive jurisdiction over the petty court of Ballarat, and fined and sentenced miners, who were brought before him for drunkenness and petty larceny, without mercy.

A very good plan, which keeps the country free of offences of petty larceny. However, many of these slaves steal because they have not enough to eat: thus we come to the old circle again, that poverty is the mother of crime. So is it with the Arabs and slaves of Ghadames. The slaves are mostly devout, if not fanatic Mussulmans.

"I wish to Heaven I knew what to think!" he murmured; and then he resumed a brisker air and continued, "I am ready to suspect Simon Rattar of any crime in the calendar leaving out petty larceny and probably bigamy.

Larceny was therefore little known until the law, with its delays and circumventions, took root in the virgin soil, and people at such posts as Sandy seldom shut and rarely locked their doors, even by night.