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And the great schoolroom of the Apollinean Institute did really make so pretty a show on the morning when Master Langdon entered it, that he might be pardoned for asking Miss Darley more questions about his scholars than about their lessons.

The three Senators seated themselves. "I suppose you wouldn't consider yourself so important, Langdon, if you knew that we now find we can get another member of the naval affairs committee over to our side for Altacoola?" began Peabody. "That gives us a majority of the committee without your vote."

"I wonder if we're not all here on the same errand," suggested the newspaper man. Senator Peabody appeared to be all candor. "We came to call on Senator Langdon, Senator Stevens' new colleague," he said. Bud Haines opened his eyes wide. "By Jove! Langdon stock is going up when the chairman of the naval committee drops in to welcome him."

"No, I don't think they do," Miss Langdon agreed. "I think perhaps that Heaven meant it just for you. Just for the good little boys and girls in this room." The enthusiasm grew wild and general. Miss Langdon turned a glance of triumph upon Miss Bailey, and was somewhat surprised by the very scarlet confusion which she saw.

She arose without awaiting his reply, and he followed her. "Melvin," he said to the lawyer, as soon as he was seated at the other table, "Miss Langdon will agree with me, I think, that it is quite necessary I should accompany you to your home when we leave this place, in order to examine with you certain papers which you have drawn, or are to draw, at her request.

Langdon, if I fail in the case?" Oswald spoke hopefully, and thought there would be some way out of her trouble. Esther came up, and he then proposed a moonlight boat-ride on the Thames. He would rent a rowboat, and was quite good with the oars. They decided to take the ride. Soon after the three returned to the home of Alice.

"Not yet," said I easily. "Dry your tears and put away your black clothes. Your friend, Tom Langdon, was a little premature." "I'm afraid I've given you a false impression," Sam continued, with an overeagerness to convince me that did not attract my attention at the time. "Tom merely said, 'I hear Blacklock is loaded up with Textile shorts, that was all. A careless remark.

"Miss Langdon, this secretary has discovered that there is a certain perfectly legitimate venture in Altacoola lands being carried on through certain influential people we know and by me. The blood of the young reformer is boiling. He is going straight to your father with the facts. "I have tried to explain to him how it will needlessly embarrass the Senator and spoil his own future.

And so, in the midst of this quiet inland town, where a mere accident had placed Mr. Bernard Langdon, there was a concentration of explosive materials which might at any time change its Arcadian and academic repose into a scene of dangerous commotion.

He would have put his hand into the fire for this clever little man, whom he admired so immensely. Once they discussed the ousting of Langdon. "It would be quite legal," Ruef contended. "The Mayor and Board have power to remove a district attorney and select his successor." Henry Ach, advisor of the boss, looked dubious. "I'm not sure of that. Moreover, it's bad politics.