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The fallow didna pay eighteenpence to the pound; and there was three thousand gaen out o' my five! It was nae use, wi' a young family, to talk o' living on the interest o' our money now. 'We maun tak' a farm, says I; and baith Jeannie and her mother saw there was naething else for it. So I took a farm which lay partly in the Lammermoors and partly in the Merse.

A cleansing fire burned it to ashes, and a shrewd, clean wind that blew from over the Lammermoors swept away all trace of the accursed thing. No pestilence came to Melrose. Perchance in the twelfth century it was by prayer and fasting that the holy men won the day.

About an hour, therefore, after I had descended from the region on the Lammermoors, and entered the Lothians, I became sensible I was pursuing a path which was not forwarding my footsteps to Edinburgh. It was December; the sun had just gone down; I was not very partial to travelling in darkness, neither did I wish to trust to chance for finding a comfortable resting-place for the night.

She looked back, and I saw a roguish Romney eye lighting a charming profile. 'Too pretty, I thought, remembering Dick, as she tripped onward into the shadow of the Tower. The sea was moaning under a heavy cloud-wrack; away to the west above the Lammermoors the sunset flared like a bale-fire, scattering sparks on the windows of the Tower.

Where is the grand project that ye was to lay before us?" "Florence," said others, "let us proceed to business. Florence answered as one perplexed, but in his wonted words "Hae patience bide a wee;" and added, in a sort of soliloquy, but loud enough to be overheard by his companions "She promised to be here before the moon gaed down upon the Lammermoors."

It stood amid cornfields, on the banks of a little stream, and looked across to the fern-clad slopes of Ewieside, an outlying spur of the Lammermoors. Except the manse, and the beadle's cottage which adjoined it, there was no house within sight, nor any out of sight less than half a mile away. The minister at this time was the Rev.

From the summit you look over a great expanse of champaign sloping to the sea, and behold a large variety of distant hills. There are the hills of Fife, the hills of Peebles, the Lammermoors and the Ochils, more or less mountainous in outline, more or less blue with distance.

Mr Goldie!" said he, "is this no dismal?" "I always consider it," answered I, "one of the dreariest spots on the Lammermoors." "O sir!" said he, "it isna the dreariness o' the road that I am referring to. I would rather be sent across the hills from Cowdingham to Lander, blindfold, than I would be sent upon an errand like this.

Like many Scotch shepherds' sons like Hogg, who taught himself to write by copying the letters of a printed book as he lay watching his flock on the hill-side like Cairns, who from tending sheep on the Lammermoors, raised himself by dint of application and industry to the professor's chair which he now so worthily holds like Murray, Ferguson, and many more, Leyden was early inspired by a thirst for knowledge.

The yacht was a speck in the distance by that time, and far beyond it the Cheviots and the Lammermoors were mere bits of grey outline against the gold and crimson of the sky. One thought instantly filled and depressed me I was further from land than I had believed. At this distance from it I have but confused and vague recollections of that night.