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"There don't you see 'em? Fellers all in black with bell-toppers beavers chimney-pots on I don't know what you call 'em here." "Them be officers too," said Laihova.

Whether Laihova overheard the whisper or not we cannot tell, but he stopped at that moment, purchased a large quantity of the tempting fruit, and handed it, without a word, to his friends, who received it with becoming gratitude. "You's a trump, Hovey," said the negro, as he put a whole peach into his capacious mouth. "Ditto," said Hockins, performing the same feat with a banana.

I had fallen in off the steep bank. I could not swim, and he could. After that we made the alliance of brotherhood. Laihova was not a Christian at that time. Since then God has made use of me to rescue him from a more awful death than that which threatened me. Laihova is grateful, and, knowing that I run much risk in going near the capital, has come, as you see, to help me."

"There was no need for that," returned Ravonino, "the Lord was our protector." "Where is Reni-Mamba? Have you heard, mother, about your son?" Reni and Ramatoa, who had pressed forward, looked surprised, for their friend did not speak like a man who had bad news to tell. "Laihova has told me, truly," replied Reni, still whimpering, "that my dear boy is worse than dead."

Finally he persuaded his mother to run away with him, and thus it came about that we find them with the band of which Ravonino was leader Laihova being lieutenant of the band. An occasion for the display of his affectionate nature was afforded to Mamba on the morning we write of.

"Do I hear music?" said Mark Breezy. "An' don't I smell rum?" remarked Hockins. "An' doesn't I hear cackling?" inquired Ebony. By way of answer to all three, Laihova turned round the corner of a stall, when the party reached a spot which was devoted to the sale of native rum, or "toaka" a coarse fiery spirit made from sugar-cane, and sold at a very low price.

"It is useless to go into the town," returned Laihova. "I am known now as one of those who aided Mamba to escape." "But I am not known at least not in my present guise," said Ravonino. "Have you seen Rafaravavy?" "No; I tell you we had not been long in the town when this mischance befell." "Did not Mamba tell you why he has undertaken so long a journey?"

Immediately after this speech Ravonino led forward Rafaravavy, and Laihova advanced with Ra-Ruth, and these two couples were then and there united in matrimony. Radama the Second, and Prince Ramonja, who had been recalled and reinstated with the Secretary, and Soa, and other courtiers, graced the wedding with their presence.

But it does not seem to be well with the lady," returned Laihova, glancing at the uncomfortable female with her head tied up. "No, it is not well with her. She has toothache on the north side of her head. Farewell," said the brown old gentleman, re-squatting on the fijerena, as the travellers moved on; "may you live," he shouted after them, when nearly out of ear-shot, "and reach old age."

He left the room quickly, followed by the Secretary, while Ravonino and Laihova were drinking in the news from the respective lips that pleased them best. The facts were soon communicated to all the party. The Queen, they said, who had been declining in health for a considerable time past, had latterly become much worse.