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"I am ycleped J. Keyser I was born at Spring, hys Garden, My father toe make me ane clerke erst did essaye, But a fico for ye offis I spurn ye losels offeire; For I fain would be ane butcher by'r ladykin alwaye." Flash-in-the-Pan drew a pistol from his belt, and bidding some one gag Malmsey Butt with the stock of it, proceeded to read from a portentous roll of parchment that he held in his hand.

Michal, she said, was to see what was written on it. Michal took the scrap, and read aloud the name: "Valentine!" In her terror she threw it back into the flames. But the flames, so far from consuming the wet scrap of paper, tossed it up into the air, and the name of the beloved one flew up the chimney with the smoke. "It won't burn, ladykin!" laughed Pirka. "Hocus-pocus! there it is again!"

"Don't be alarmed, my pretty ladykin," said the witch, taking her by the hand. "The cards have twice spoken the truth, haven't they? And depend upon it they will speak the truth the third time also. Will you trust me now?" "Take me, body and soul!" cried the unhappy woman, throwing herself into the witch's arms.

In the meantime the young ladykin whom the solemn vowing concerned had lingered round the choir screen, as if fearing to enter, yet loth to go away. The service terminated, the heavy books were closed, doors were opened, and the feet of the few persons who had attended evensong began pattering down the paved alleys.

"I am ycleped J. Keyser I was born at Spring, hys Garden, My father toe make me ane clerke erst did essaye, But a fico for ye offis I spurn ye losels offeire; For I fain would be ane butcher by'r ladykin alwaye." Flash-in-the-Pan drew a pistol from his belt, and bidding some one gag Malmsey Butt with the stock of it, proceeded to read from a portentous roll of parchment that he held in his hand.