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In vain did Lactantius and the other canons themselves seek to stir up the fire; nothing could overcome the water which fell from heaven. Meanwhile, the tumult which had begun in the peristyle of the church extended throughout the square.

Origen, one of the ablest and most learned of them all, was anathematized by the second council of Constantinople; Tertullian was heretical during a part of his life; Lactantius was taxed with heterodoxy. How are we to know who were sound?

A contemporary witness, Lactantius, describes the causes of this popular outbreak in the following words: "So enormous had the imposts become, that the tillers' strength was exhausted; fields became deserts and farms were changed into forests. The fiscal agents measured the land by the clod; trees, vinestalks, were all counted. The cattle were marked; the people registered.

Then Penn, and Barclay, and Clarkson, and Sewell, and Hales, and Dell caught my attention, giving me interesting revelations of Quaker thought and feeling. And I was edified by Lactantius and Chrysostom, the most eloquent, rational and practical of the Christian Fathers. By and by came Priestley and Price, and Dr.

This has been the opinion of many great men: Seneca, the moralist, whom Lactantius calls the divine Pagan, who has been praised equally by St. Austin and St. Augustine, endeavours by every kind of argument to make death a matter of indifference to man. Cato has always been commended, because he would not survive the cause of liberty; for that he would not live a slave.

Both of these influences, no doubt, had some influence on the shape in which Tertullian of Carthage, Minucius Felix, Novatian and Lactantius presented their doctrine, and, together with the more material and less religious character of the West, accounts in large degree for the comparative frequency of their appeal to the theistic argument.

The crowd heard these words and rushed forward. "Arrest this madman!" cried the unworthy magistrate. He was himself seized by the hands of men who cried, "Justice! justice, in the name of the King!" "We are lost!" said Lactantius; "to the pile, to the pile!"

We must decide the fate of the baptized penguins without violating any divine law, and in a manner conformable to the decalogue as well as to the commandments of my Church." "Lord," said St. Gregory Nazianzen, "give them an immortal soul." "Alas! Lord, what would they do with it," sighed Lactantius. "They have not tuneful voices to sing your praises.

Meanwhile, Father Lactantius, having had a moment to recover from the sudden attack made upon him, turned toward the president and said: "Here is a clear proof, sent us by Heaven, of the possession, for the Superior never before has forgotten the modesty and severity of her order." "Would that all the world were here to see me!" said Jeanne de Belfiel, firm as ever.

Many passages are full of acrimony, many extravagant, and not to the point in hand, many void of matter. Concerning such Lactantius gives me a good rule, Otiosum est persequi singula,—it is an idle and unprofitable thing to persecute every particular. And much more I have in my eye the Apostle’s rule, “Let all things be done to edifying.” 1 Cor. xiv. 26.