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It was but for a moment; then he recollected the hat he was wearing, a hard bowler, the first of that sort he had ever owned. He took it off, examined it, and felt it over. Something about it seemed to give him strength, and he was a man once more. At the station, Edward's first care was to dispose his boxes on the platform so that every one might see the labels and the lettering thereon.

The labels were engineering ones, but the chemical formulae were identification enough. There were dozens of chemicals they hadn't hoped to get. "Anything else?" Doc finally asked as they began arranging the supplies. "More runners. A lot more. We're still holding things down, but it's reaching a limit. Panic will start in the camps if this keeps on. But that's my worry. You stick to yours."

I was taken across the railroad track to where their stores were kept and, judging from the labels on the barrels and boxes, I should say that a great many of these stores had come from Holland. During this trip about the country, I saw a number of women and girls working, or attempting to work, in the fields.

She persists like a piece of old furniture which survives the relic-hunters and the broker's men. She marries that trusted servant, Mr. Povey, who has such a head for inventing tickets and labels and sign-boards, who himself outdistances Mr. Baines as railway trains outdistance stage coaches, and as aeroplanes will outdistance motor-cars. The married couple naturally displace Mrs.

Willing hands were tossing their luggage into the wagon unfamiliar luggage to Cunjee, with its jumble of ship labels, Continental hotel brands, and the names of towns all over England, Ireland and Scotland.

I said with some asperity: "Fragment of a Russian General! This is absurd. Are you never going to learn any sense?" This person gathers mementoes with a perfect recklessness, now-a-days; mixes them all up together, and then serenely labels them without any regard to truth, propriety, or even plausibility.

By the time I had had a mile or two of this, the dark Pyramids of Dahshur were visible, and I knew that our camp was to be pitched not far beyond. My first emotion was pleasure; my second, panic. What if Slaney had forgotten his promise to remove the Cook labels? "Never!" I vowed, torn between the desire to hear her secret, and to dash ahead of the caravan into camp.

Well, no, not labels: been buying them abroad get them dirt-cheap there. You see, there's just one little wee speck, essence, or whatever it is, in a gallon of cotton-seed oil, that give it a smell, or a flavor, or something get that out, and you're all right perfectly easy then to turn the oil into any kind of oil you want to, and there ain't anybody that can detect the true from the false.

If so, you're clever enough to fight with your own weapons instead of picking up the rusty swords of men I've already beaten. You knew little Val Arden, of course? And my cousin Jim Loring? They taught you to call me a 'sensationalist. Labels are an indolent man's device for guessing what's inside a bottle without tasting." "They sometimes prevent accidental poisoning."

Rousseau was a member of the Protestant Church; Voltaire called himself a Catholic so little do labels count. Voltaire lived in a palace and rode in a coach with outriders; Rousseau trudged on foot alone.