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HENRY GEORGE, Progress and Poverty, New York, 1898. Doubleday & McClure Co. L. JACOBY, L'Idea dell' evoluzione, in Bibliotheca dell' economista, série III, vol. IX, 2d part, p. 69. At the death of Darwin the Sozialdemokrat of the 27th of April, 1882, wrote: "The proletariat who are struggling for their emancipation will ever honor the memory of Charles Darwin." Conf.

Cf. also La Gazette de Lausanne and L'Idea Nazionale, December 5, 1915. The device is simple, and has hitherto been efficacious. In Switzerland the number of German firms is large and continues to augment. They are branches of German houses, and their aim is to further the interests of these.

The nationalist Italian press organ which first directed public attention to these German subtleties asks pertinently: "Were not and are not the real producers named in this list the same who were the prime movers in the deplorable foreign conquest of the Italian market?" Felix Deutsch, Karl Zander, Otto Joel, Karl von Siemens, Walter Boveri, Karl Kapp, etc. L'Idea Nazionale, September 8, 1915.

Baron Sonnino accordingly declined to accord the permission asked for, and consented only to allow a large consignment of "correspondence" to be sent on. Cf. L'Idea Nazionale, March 7, 1915; Tribuna, April 1, 1915. Later on Turkish officers were sent to Libya to egg on the Arabs to harass the Italians there.

L'Idea Nazionale, November 8, 1915. The following brief summary of the companies and enterprises in which the Banca Commerciale is interested may enable the British reader to form an idea of its decisive influence on the economic and political life of the Italian nation: they include eighteen of the largest companies of textile industries; sixteen of the most important companies of chemical, electrical and kindred industries; six of the chief companies of alimentation; twenty-six transport companies; twenty-seven of the principal companies of mechanical industries and naval construction; six building companies; five of the chief mining companies; twenty-eight of the largest electrical companies; and twenty-two miscellaneous.

The firm is managed by a German engineer whose kith and kin are fighting in the Kaiser's army. And this German engineer, Herr Matt, has free access to the Italian War Minister, even now, when it is question of manufacturing projectiles; and he has continuous relations with the Italian Airmen's Brigade. Cf. L'Idea Nazionale.

Hence, it is of the utmost importance for us to be informed respecting the commercial and financial situation with a view to the resumption of our intercourse in a lucrative form after this long interruption. It is our intention, therefore, to have our products sold through a Swiss branch by Swiss agents." Neue Zurcher Zeitung. Neue Zurcher Zeitung, also L'Idea Nazionale, December 5, 1915.