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At Neuwied they were informed that the Inspirirten whom they saw there twenty-four years before, had, with the exception of a few families, emigrated to America, and that those whom they visited at Berlenburg had done the same. From Neuwied they went to Kreuznach.

It is true that he was the founder of the toll which ships in olden times were obliged to pay on the Rhine, so that this fact and many other cruel exactions of his, have helped to evolve the terrible legend of the Mouse-Tower. A mighty draught Once upon a time in the high castle called Rheingrafenstein near Kreuznach, the flower of the knights belonging to the Rhine country were assembled.

The Salins season ends on the 15th of September, when the magnificent hydropathic establishment is closed, and only a few stray visitors remain. The Salins waters are said to be much more efficacious than those of Kreuznach in Prussia, which they much resemble; and the nature of the soil is shown by its deep crimson hue.

This was a place to which they had no thought of going when they left England; indeed, John Yeardley, though passing near it on former journeys, was not aware of its existence. But when they were at Elberfeld, a swarthy youth from Cape Town, an inmate of the Mission-house at Barmen, mentioned to them that four of his fellow-countrymen had been for a time at Kreuznach.

With his customary skill, the Kaiser steered clear of any attempt to enter deeply into the political problems of the hour, and behaved towards me, for the rest, just as affably as he had been wont to do in the past. I had made the journey to Kreuznach in the company of my late friend, Ballin, whom I was never to see again.

They therefore returned by Heilbronn to Kreuznach, where they again found many opportunities of instructing and strengthening such as had made some progress in the Christian course. 26th. This evening had about a dozen serious persons to tea. After a long conversation, we read a chapter, and made some remarks: there was also a time of silence, with supplication. 10 mo. 1. First-day.

Notwithstanding this circumstance, the reflection with which John Yeardley concludes his account of their travels in Bohemia was, "It will require a power more than human to make the dry bones of Bohemia live." They spent three weeks at Kreuznach, confirming the faith of the brethren, and printing German translations of several tracts.

My M.Y. spoke a little in German on the "still small voice," and the teaching of the Spirit. I did not in this instance feel quite easy to put aside the whole of their service. After meeting we had coffee with Tiegel, and took back in our carriage a few of our Kreuznach friends who had walked to the meeting. 4th.

The Emperor and I went to Kreuznach, where I first of all made the proposal to Bethmann and Zimmermann, and subsequently, in the presence of the Emperor Charles and Bethmann, laid it before the Emperor William. It was not accepted unconditionally, nor yet refused, and the conference terminated with a request from the Germans for consideration of the question.

After coffee, we returned to our lodgings with thankful hearts. In the evening came three young women, with an elderly lady, the mother of one of them. We had much conversation, and a precious little meeting, which concluded with solemn supplication a nice finish to our sojourn in interesting Kreuznach. Our friend Ott has accompanied us; he has been to us as eyes in the wilderness.