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Except to say that some females had not fought, and that they and the very youngest children were being held aboard the flagship of the Third Fleet Ranger Jasmine Wang's Emperor Yasunon the report didn't go into detail. It didn't have to. Kranath's memories supplied Tarlac with more than enough gruesome detail of what happened when a clan was fighting its last.

Davis touched his controls again, and Tarlac was suddenly conscious of his intense scrutiny, his reputation for almost telepathic discernment. "Is it, Steve?" he asked quietly. "He is close to the truth," Kranath's thought came. "Will you deny it to him?" "No," Tarlac replied. "I told him it was up to the individual, and if he figures it out, okay.

His words brought a moment's silence, then a babble of astonishment and doubt that sounded more like a human kindergarten than a group of adult Traiti. Doubt? Of a Cor'naya's word? Tarlac shook his head, not ready to believe that. Was it the speed of his Ordeal, then, which surprised him too? Or was it that a human had been given Kranath's Vision?

That was a good sign, and Tarlac had to resist a temptation to run; walking would be faster than running himself to collapse and having to recover. He had a momentary sensation of disorientation: In Kranath's time, this had all been wooded, but when the capital had been established atop Godhome, much of the surrounding area had been turned into parks and farmland. Godhome.

He found that he was no longer simply being pushed; instead, his body had been taken over, its actions controlled by the unknown invisible other. He could observe, but could no longer control his movements. This wasn't the prisoner-despair, not yet Kranath's will remained intact, but his body did not respond to even the fiercest exercise of it.

You know what'll happen when the newsies get their hands on that!" "Yes, sir, and there's worse to come. At our first meeting, the First Speaker promised me a tape of the initial contact. I gave you Kranath's Vision first, for background. Now here's the contact tape." He showed it, feeling Davis' helpless rage, so like his own when he'd seen it, as it played and was recorded.

Your transmission or should I say illusion? doesn't have a background. That might have a lot of causes, but could Kranath's Vision have been a reenactment? There were no mindprobes around five thousand years ago to record it." He glanced again at the comscreen control panel, its master switch turned off. "You, or part of you, is right here, Lord Esteban Tarlac isn't it?"

These people were his family, yes but they were also citizens of the Empire, and he was a Ranger; he used his authority without having to think about it. "Look, as far as I'm concerned, this whole thing is damn near unbelievable. Maybe it's asking too much for you to believe I've had what Hovan calls Kranath's Vision, or that I've made an Ordeal's Decision so soon.

"Kranath's Vision was . . . well, as thoroughly as Terra's been explored, I'd have said it was impossible. It's hard to believe archaeologists would miss " He broke off, telling himself to get to the point. "Hovan, what Kranath's Vision showed me was that the Traiti originated on Terra.

Kranath's utter rejection of the first dream and determination to make the second one reality, along with his already-expressed willingness to help, could be interpreted as implied consent under one section of Godhome's programming. It took the computer almost a minute to decide to use it, though.