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Now look at my face; not in this seam, for there your eyes can never see into my spirit. It is a hole cut by a Konza. But here is an opening made by the Wahcondah, through which you may look into the soul. What am I? A Dahcotah, within and without. You know it. Therefore hear me. The blood of every creature on the prairie is red.

"When there is hunger in the lodge of a warrior, he looks for the buffaloe, which is given him for food," the Teton continued, struggling to keep down the ire excited by the other's scorn. "The Wahcondah has made more of them than he has made Indians. He has not said, This buffaloe shall be for a Pawnee, and that for a Dahcotah; this beaver for Konza, and that for an Omawhaw.

Every fellow learns Greek at school, but no fellow learns Zulu, eh?" "You can't swear to that. Well, never mind. Perhaps I have been mugging it up as a preliminary to coming out here. Konza does not mean to show civility, but to do homage, and that of a tolerably abject kind in fact, to knuckle under."

That of Washington is the most prized. "The Teton, and the Pawnee, and the Konza, and men of a dozen other tribes, claim to own these naked fields." "Natur' gives them the lie in their teeth. The air, the water, and the ground, are free gifts to man, and no one has the power to portion them out in parcels. Man must drink, and breathe, and walk, and therefore each has a right to his share of 'arth.

But did not my father once ride on a horse, like a rich chief of the Pale-faces, instead of travelling on foot like a hungry Konza?" "Never! The Wahcondah has given me legs, and he has given me resolution to use them.

His oldest has ridden too many Pawnee horses; the bones of the youngest have been gnawed by Konza dogs! Le Balafre has come to look for a young arm, on which he may lean, and to find a son, that when he is gone his lodge may not be empty. Tachechana, the skipping fawn of the Tetons, is too weak, to prop a warrior, who is old. She looks before her and not backwards.

They may be all straight, and none of them forked. A Sioux is no more than a Sioux, but a Pale-face is every thing! He can talk to the Pawnee, and the Konza, and the Omawhaw, and he can talk to his own people." "Ay, there are linguists in the settlements that can do still more. But what profits it all? The Master of Life has an ear for every language!" "The grey-head has done wrong.

If the population of Johannesburg devoted its days to doing konza to King Scrip, it devoted its nights to amusing itself. There was an enterprising theatrical company and a lively circus.

I don't want to hurt your feelings, Holmes, but, upon my word, it's the most d ridiculous spectacle on earth." "I don't see why it should be," was the half-snuffy rejoinder. "There's nothing ridiculous in common civility." "No, only to see you all treading on each other's heels to do konza to a woman who's nearly losing her life trying not to laugh at the crowd of you."