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For I have as little sympathy with those who prate so loudly of the progress of the species, and the advent of I know-not-what Cockaigne of universal peace and plenty, as I have with those who believe on the strength of "unfulfilled prophecy," the downfall of Christianity, and the end of the human race to be at hand.

'I ask no red and white To make up my delight, No odd becoming graces, Black eyes, or little know-not-what in faces." "What do you want then?" said Charlton, half laughing at him, though his friend was perfectly grave. "A cool eye, and a mind in it." "A cool eye!" said Rossitur. "Yes. Those we have left behind us are arrant will-o'the-wisps dancing fires no more."

The truth is, the pleasure of finding new species is too great; it is morally dangerous; for it brings with it the temptation to look on the thing found as your own possession, all but your own creation; to pride yourself on it, as if God had not known it for ages since; even to squabble jealously for the right of having it named after you, and of being recorded in the Transactions of I- know-not-what Society as its first discoverer: as if all the angels in heaven had not been admiring it, long before you were born or thought of.

'I ask no red and white To make up my delight, No odd becoming graces, Black eyes, or little know-not-what in faces. " "What do you want, then?" said Charlton, half laughing at him though his friend was perfectly grave. "A cool eye, and a mind in it." "A cool eye!" said Rossitur. "Yes. Those we have left behind us are arrant will-o'-the- wisps dancing fires no more."