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Naturally enough I shouldn't have thought of lookin' there and I don't know's I'd have found it yet, but I happened to shove my hands in my pockets to help me think, and there 'twas." This explanation should have been satisfying, doubtless, but Barbara did not seem to find it wholly so. "Please may I ask one more question, Mamma?" she pleaded. "Just only one?"

"You an' I never expected to see Longport harbor look like this," resumed Captain Crowe, giving the barren waters a long gaze, and then leaning forward and pushing the pebbles about with his cane. "I don't know's I ever saw things look so poor along these wharves as they do to-day.

I don't know's there's anything much more important than eatin'. It's a kind of expensive habit, but an awful hard one to swear off of. . . . Hum. . . . Speakin' of important things, was that plan of yours very important, Mr. I mean Major?" "Rather yes." "Sho! . . . And I stuck it on a stick and set it afloat on a shingle.

"If they didn't maybe everybody'd be so sure he'd win that they wouldn't even bother to go to see it." And then, very carelessly, as though it was of little importance: "Don't know's I would hev thought of goin' myself if it hadn't been for that. It's advertisin' I reckon just advertisin'!" Her fists came down from her chin; her whole body relaxed.

I did cal'late to see Caroline this mornin'. Then, if I heard from her own lips that 'twas actually so, I didn't know's I wouldn't drop in and give Sister Corcoran-Queen-Victoria-Dunn a few plain facts about it not bein' a healthy investment to hurry matters. You're wantin' to see me headed me off, and I come here instead." The lawyer looked at him in astonishment.

Ned spoke of having noticed the name of the lawyers on the envelope; the same firm that had written to Frank before. "I can't understand it," declared Bart, as he and his chums went out, in time to see Frank mounting the steps of a building opposite the post-office, where Judge Benton had his office. "I don't know's it's any of our affair," put in Fenn.

Course I don't mean he lugs fish around in his pocket, 'tain't likely He, he, he but that old coat of his always smells like a like a porgie boat. And I don't know's I mean that those letters of yours were any more 'special private than common; anyhow, both envelopes was in MALE handwritin' He, he, he! But I noticed one was stamped from way out in in Nevada, seems if 'twas, so " "Eh?"

"You wasn't out on those clam flats alone, was you?" he asked, addressing Barbara. She nodded. "Petunia and I went all alone," she said. "It was kind of wet so we took off our shoes and stockings and paddled. I I don't know's I remembered to tell you that part, Mamma," she added, hastily. "I I guess it must have slipped my mind." But Mrs. Armstrong was watching Jed's face.

I'm reckonin' on sendin' over to-night an' gittin' the Winn gals to come and see me and advise. Perhaps some on 'em may know of somebody that'll take me for what help I can give about house, or some clever folks that have been lookin' for a smart cat, any ways; no, I don't know's I could let her go to strangers."

You're only 'bout eighteen years old at present, an' you'll certainly begin to grow smaller again very soon. It wouldn't hardly be respectable fer ye to do yer shrinkin' out here." This view of the probabilities had not yet struck Phoebe. "Why, no!" she exclaimed, rather startled. "I I don't know's I thought about it. But I certainly don't want Mr.