United States or Tanzania ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But I got there, going from Chehaw over a narrow-gauge road. The engine that pulled the one coach composing the train was named the "Klu-Klux," a thing I had heard of but had not understood.

What do you say, Yank? it's your last chance. "'If you're fooling with me, Doc, I answers, 'you're no better than the United States. But as you say it's the last chance, hurry up and swear me. I always did like corn whisky and 'possum anyhow. I believe I'm half Southerner by nature. I'm willing to try the Klu-klux in place of the khaki. Get brisk.

"'Sallright!" exclaimed Budge, as he hurried away to attend to some of his duties. When Jack got back to his room he found quite a gathering of his chums there. "In for it on account of that Klu-Klux business?" asked Sam Chalmers. "Not exactly that," answered Jack, "though if I'd stayed at home It wouldn't have happened." "Ha-ha-ha-has it g-g-gg-got anything t-t-t " began Will Slade.

Say, but that Klu-Klux business was the limit!" and chuckling over the night's fun, he went to bed, leaving Jack and the Indian student together. "A few weeks more and we'll not have to sneak around this way to have a little fun," said Jack. "Vacation will soon be here. I hope I can carry out a plan I have in mind, John." "What is it, Jack?" "I want to go out west and search for my father.

Not to-night, after all we've done to them. They've got out spies now I know them; a lot of negroes calling themselves Union League, but secretly waylaying, burning and killing all who differ with them in politics. They've made the Klu-Klux a necessity. Now, I don't want you to turn me into a Klu-Klux to-night." "Ah, they would not harm me, Jack, not me, after all I have suffered.