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Whenever they observed this dubious expression gather upon his countenance, accompanied with a glance that fixed now upon the sleeve of his coat, now upon the knees of his breeches, where he probably missed some antique patching and darning, which, being executed with blue thread upon a black ground, had somewhat the effect of embroidery, they always took care to turn his attention into some other channel, until his garments, 'by the aid of use, cleaved to their mould. The only remark he was ever known to make on the subject was, that 'the air of a town like Kippletringan seemed favourable unto wearing apparel, for he thought his coat looked almost as new as the first day he put it on, which was when he went to stand trial for his license as a preacher.

Dinmont, with whom I had the good fortune to form an accidental acquaintance "It was my gude fortune that," said Dinmont. "Odd, my brains wad hae been knockit out by twa black-guards if it hadna been for his four quarters." "Shortly after we parted at the town of I lost my baggage by thieves, and it was while residing at Kippletringan I accidentally met the young gentleman.

Some, however, demanded of the postilion how he had not recognised Bertram when he saw him some time before at Kippletringan? to which he gave the very natural answer, "Hout, what was I thinking about Ellangowan then? It was the cry that was rising e'en now that the young laird was found, that put tire on finding out the likeness There was nae missing it ance ane was set to look for't."

He went, accordingly, to Edinburgh and elsewhere, and it was in his return towards the south-western district of Scotland, in which our scene lies, that, at a post-town about a hundred miles from Kippletringan, to which he had requested his friend, Mr. Mervyn, to address his letters, he received one from that gentleman which contained rather unpleasing intelligence.

Hazlewood, apprehensive that the popular ferment might take a direction towards the prisoner, directed he should be taken to the post-chaise, and so removed to the town of Kippletringan, to be at Mr. Mac-Morlan's disposal; at the same time he sent an express to warn that gentleman of what had happened.

I sent a post-chaise and four from Kippletringan, with instructions corresponding to the letter; the horses will have a long and cold station on the outpost to-night if our intelligence be false. 'Ay, but I think it will prove otherwise, said the Lawyer.

A chaise returning empty to Kippletringan had been stopped on the high-road by a constable, who foresaw it would be necessary to convey Hatteraick to jail.

'No, no, said the Deacon, 'ye're clean out there, Luckie; for the young Laird was stown away by a randy gipsy woman they ca'd Meg Merrilies I mind her looks weel in revenge for Ellangowan having gar'd her be drumm'd through Kippletringan for stealing a silver spoon. 'If ye'll forgieme, Deacon, said the precentor, 'ye're e'en as far wrang as the gudewife.

By degrees the human tones predominated; but the angry bark of the cur being at the instant changed into a howl, it is probable something more than fair strength of lungs had contributed to the ascendency. "Am I far from Kippletringan, good dame?" "This will never do, good dame! my horse is almost quite knocked up can you not give me a night's lodgings?"