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The sincerity of the religious feeling is enhanced by its simplicity. The more complex experiences of the true mystical nature retain the same intensity of devotional fervour. Anna Kingsford, whose interpretations of the inner meaning of Christianity place her in the foremost rank of modern mystics, was caught up to God by the beauty of the mountains.

Kingsford, on the other hand, thinks it to be Ricardus Parisiensis, who died in 1252. A Liber de urinis has been ascribed to each of them, but, it seems to me, with greater probability to Ricardus Salernitanus. If too the author of the "Anatomia Ricardi" was a contemporary of Gilbert, we might reasonably expect to find in the Compendium some evidences of Gilbert's acquaintance with that work.

Admiral D'Estaing's proclamation in 1778 was a passionate appeal to the old national sentiment of the people, and was distributed in every part of the province. Dr. Kingsford believes that it had large influence in creating a powerful feeling which might have seriously threatened British dominion had the French been able to obtain permission from congress to send an army into the country.

B. E. Garon; and, between the Honbles. L. H. La Fontaine and A. N. Morin, Montreal, 1840. The Rev. John Ryerson to Egerton Ryerson, February, 1844, in The Story of my Life. Metcalfe to Stanley, 23 December, 1843. Montreal Gazette, 23 April, 1844. Montreal Daily Witness, 7 March, 1896, containing reminiscences by Dr. William Kingsford. Young, Early History of Galt and Dumfries, p. 193.

Kingsford furnishes the following list: 1. "Commentarii in Versus Aegidii de Urinis," quoted by John Gaddesden and probably authentic. "Practica Medicinae," mentioned by Pits, but of doubtful authenticity. "Experimenta Magistri Gilliberti, Cancellarii Montepessulani," noticed on page 2, but authenticity doubtful. "Compendium super Librum Aphorismorum Hippocratis." MS. in Bodleian.