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"One, you may observe, is a Republican that will call for hostile criticism but he was beyond doubt the best man. I regret the fact that the majority of these men are Webb partisans, but I wish to make these appointments for reasons entirely apart from politics." Galt had risen, and he now stood looking down upon the governor with a smile in his eyes.

"You very likely must have seen or heard of the 'notification, published in the 'London Gazette' at the end of the month of December last, about the honors distributed in Canada in connection with the 'Confederation. In that 'notification' you must have seen that the names of 'myself and Galt' are omitted, and it was stated in that notification that it must be 'substituted' for the 'one' published on the 9th of July last, in which Galt's name and mine were inserted as C. B. Now, you must recollect that some months ago I wrote you about a 'confidential communication' of the Duke of Buckingham to Lord Monck, in order that it should be intimated to me and Gait, that there was no precedent of a resignation of the Order of the Bath, and that the only way left for the carrying out of Galt's wishes and mine would be by 'an order of Her Majesty ordering our names to be struck off the roll. The communication of the Duke having been made to me in a confidential manner, I had no opportunity to answer it.

I had set his haggard appearance down to some mental trouble and I was going to be a professor in a medical college! Yet I know now that a troubled mind hastened the fever. From the beginning Galt Roscoe's fever was violent. It had been hanging about him for a long time, and was the result of malarial poisoning.

Galt out to a little humpbacked Scotchman in the High Street of Edinburgh: "Eh! Jamie, mon, there's the great Galt, author of the 'Annals of the Parish." "'Annals o' the Payrish, Archie, hech, sirs, he's big eneuch to be the Payrish itself let alone the annals o' it." Mr.

An instinct as strong as that which had made him blatant in his hour of triumph now caused him to avoid, in his hour of defeat, the women-folk before whom he would fain be a hero. He avoided Grace Galt all that long, dreary afternoon. He thought wildly of staying down-town for the evening, of putting off the meeting with his mother, of avoiding the dreaded explanations, excuses, confessions.

It was burned to the ground fifty years ago and a new Galt House was erected, not upon the original site, but upon the same street, a block above, and, although one of the most imposing buildings in the world, it could never be made to thrive.

"Galt, you hurt my fingers!" she interrupted. He had not noticed the almost fierce strength of his clasp. But his life was desperately hungry for her. "Forgive me, dearest. As I said, better than my best; for, Ruth, my life was wicked, long ago. You cannot understand how wicked!" "You are a clergyman and a good man," she said, with pathetic negation.

"Yes, Juliet is well," she answered. "They are living in Richmond now. Mr. Galt had to give up his practice in New York because the climate did not suit Juliet's health. I told him she couldn't stand transplanting to the north, and I was right. They had to move south again. Yes, Mr. Pollard, the middle-size irons, please. I think they'll fit my stove.

"She forgets nothing; but I hope that bowl won't get broken, it is one somebody brought the general from China fifty years ago. Eugie is so careless. She invited the children to tea the other afternoon and I found her giving them jam on those old Tucker Royal Worcester plates." She broke off an instant to draw Galt into the reception rooms, where her eyes roved sharply over the decorations.

By some impracticable persons this may be regarded as a virtue. At any rate, in Galt's case it was a fact. As Sir John Macdonald once said of him, 'Galt is as unstable as water, and never can be depended upon to be of the same mind for forty-eight hours together. Galt was succeeded as minister of Finance by Sir John Rose.