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This was too much for me, so I put spurs to my pony and galloped up to the scoundrel, making as if to thrash him with my kiboko, or whip made of rhinoceros hide. In a moment he put his hand on his knife and half drew it from its sheath, but on seeing me dismount and point my rifle at him, he desisted and tried to run away.

Men lay scattered all about in attitudes of abandon and exhaustion; yet every face was turned in her direction. Kingozi descended the bank and approached, his experienced eye registering every significant detail. She turned to him a face lowering like a thundercloud, her eyes flashing the lightnings, her lips scarlet and bitten. Kingozi noted the bloodied kiboko.

And finally, bringing up the rear, marched a small, lively, wizened little fellow, dressed as nearly as possible like the white man, and carrying as the badge of his office a bulging cotton umbrella and the kiboko the slender, limber, stinging rhinoceros-hide whip. It was the end of a long march.

But to the contractor there were no laws but of his making, and he laid on thirty lashes with the rhinoceros hide Kiboko to teach these stiff-necked "coolies" not to sham again. And as these soldiers lay half dead with fever on the road, their German jailers gave orders that their mouths and faces be defiled with filth, a crime unspeakable to a Moslem. Will the Mohammedan world condone this?

Kingozi grunted, but said nothing. The nine men retraced their steps. Both porters were on a broad grin, laughing and talking in subdued tones to the askaris. The bwana strode on rapidly ahead. They followed at a little dogtrot, carrying their loads easily. At camp Kingozi ordered them to place the loads in place beneath the tarpaulin. "Simba," said he in a casual voice, "these men get kiboko."

"You, the gunbearers, have been called because we wish to know what should be done with this man Fundi." It should be here explained that it is not customary to kiboko, or flog, men of the gunbearer class. They respect themselves and their calling, and would never stand that sort of punishment.

In our equipment we had made no provision for the care of infants. We could wrap it up and keep it warm, and feed it canned milk, but I imagine the proper care of a little babe requires even more than that. It was imperative that we find the mother before the baby died. So we first enjoined our mob of porters, who are chronically noisy, to be quiet under penalty of a severe kiboko punishment.

On the north, just behind the house, winds a black quagmire, a sinuous hollow, which in its deepest parts always contains water the muddy home of the brake-and-rush-loving "kiboko" or hippopotamus. Its banks, crowded with dwarf fan-palm, tall water-reeds, acacias, and tiger-grass, afford shelter to numerous aquatic birds, pelicans, &c.

Because you have wished to kill me, you shall have two hundred lashes with the kiboko; and then you shall be hanged." A moment of horror was followed by a low murmur of comment. Not a man there but realized that the unfortunate Nubian would never live to be hanged.

"You see?" He heard only a choked sob of rage and impotence. After waiting a minute he resumed: "Do my command. Let three men, in turn, give the kiboko. You, Simba, see that they strike hard." A faint clink of manacles indicated that the guards had laid hands on their victim. "Wait!" cried the Leopard Woman in a strangled voice. Kingozi raised his hand. "You you brute!" she cried.