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They had been sent out of the country under a strong armed escort, which was under orders to conduct them to the great town of an Arab chief, with whom El Khanac had blood brotherhood. How had she found out the mystery of the Spider? Was it known to all the nation? It was known to very few, she explained.

Our people are not satisfied, El Khanac, and they fear that ill may come of it." "A magnificent and comfortable hypocrisy that," said Laurence, in English. "Such combination of soul-saving and slave-selling is unique." Then, in Swahili, "But what do they want, Lutali?" "They want to set right the error of yesterday."

"Hearken, Mashumbwe, you are chief of your own people, but I am chief of all of all! Not a man stirs until El Khanac comes up. Not a man, do you hear?" Mashumbwe tossed back his ringed head, and his eyes glared. He was a tall, fine savage, with all the pride of mien inseparable from his rank and Zulu blood.

All your people must retire within the huts; not one must be seen. Further, two of your men must bear a token from me to El Khanac, my brother-chief, who leads yonder host, and that at once. Now, call those two men." Swift of resource, Laurence picked up a flat piece of wood and, scraping it smooth with his knife, wrote upon it in pencil: "I owe these people my life.

No leader of slave-hunters can come near him for bold and wide-sweeping raids, the terror and unexpectedness of which, together with the complete and ruthless fixity of purpose wherewith the objects of them, however strong, however alert, are struck and promptly subjugated, have gained for him among his followers and allies the sobriquet of El Khanac, "The Strangler."

Then let them seek out El Khanac yonder." In a moment this was done, and, bearing the impromptu white flag and the writing on the board, the two young men started off into the scrub. "Retire now into your houses, Mgara, you and all your people. I alone will stand within the gate, and maybe it will be well with you."

"We go, then," cried Mashumbwe, waving his hand. "Fare ye well, El Khanac; Af