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After some further talk, the matter was finally settled as he had suggested, and Dick went back to his work; as he picked up his overturned stool, he heard the door close and then Udell stood beside him, with a broad grin on his face. "Well, I'll be shot," ejaculated the printer, "I've seen fellows take a tumble before, but hang me if I ever saw a man so completely kerflummuxed.

She sat down on her stool again, a pathetic little figure of disappointment, and began to cry. "Don't dearie don't," exclaimed Miss Cornelia in distress. She could never bear to hurt a child. "I don't say I WON'T take her but the idea is so new it has just kerflummuxed me. I must think it over." "Mary is SO smart," said Una again. "Humph! So I've heard. I've heard she swears, too. Is that true?"

Dick Moore is dead has been dead all these years and Leslie is free?" "Yes. The truth has made her free. Gilbert was right when he said that verse was the grandest in the Bible." "Tell me everything, Anne, dearie. Since I got your phone I've been in a regular muddle, believe ME. Cornelia Bryant was never so kerflummuxed before." "There isn't a very great deal to tell. Leslie's letter was short.

"Abner," replied Perez, "you know I only want to get Reub out. That's why I interfered when the plan looked like falling through. I don't want to be captain, man, I'd no notion of that." "Nuther had I," said Abner, "till ye tackled the Squire, an then I see quick ez a flash that ye'd got ter be, an so'd all the other fellers. We sh'd a kerflummuxed sure's taxes, ef ye hadn't done jess what ye did.

"Yes, yes." Abner, he knew had not come to tell him that, for his voice trembled with suppressed excitement, and the grip of his hand on his shoulder was convulsive. "P'raps we could a kerried it aout, an p'raps we should a kerflummuxed. Ye've got grit an I've got size," pursued Abner. "Twuz wuth tryin on. I'm kinder sorry we ain't a gonter try it."