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He bellowed his liberty, as it were, over Kate's shoulder. He strode, he swaggered he had not known such a glorious feeling of independence since he left off plumbing. And he could go back to it if he had to! Mr. Butefish stopped in the middle of the floor and showed his teeth at an invisible audience of advertisers and subscribers. The article came out exactly as written.

And it's the little fairy itself that's 'ticing it out of her." Next day Philip came, and nothing would serve for Pete but that he should go up to see the child. "It's only Phil," he said, through the doorway, dragging Philip into Kate's room after him, for the familiarity that a great joy permits breaks down conventions. Kate did not look up, and Philip tried to escape.

Hear!" and it was he, also, who started the laughter which followed, and pinched Kate's cheek as she passed him, saying something about "intimidation" and "lobbying," at which there was more laughter Katy wondering why.

I've got one here I had executed two years ago, and I was a coming with it along about now, when 'a little bird tole me' to come to-day, so here I am. Take that, Katie." Mrs. Bates pulled a long sealed envelope from the front of her dress and tossed it in Kate's lap. "Mother, what is this?" asked Kate in a hushed voice.

I do but hope to restore it to those to whom it rightfully belongs. I trow there will be enough to make all glad and happy, and I doubt not that something of good hap may come to me thereby. But to lay claim to all why, that would be a scurvy thought, unworthy a man of honour." Kate's bright face was full of eager sympathy and approval.

But it was not all silly vanity: she was a gentle, loving little girl, very good-natured, and sure to get fond of all who were kind to her; and she liked Kate's bright ways and amusing manner perhaps really liking her more than if she had understood her better; and Kate liked her, and rushed after her on every occasion, as the one creature with whom it was possible to play and to chatter.

If I don't get on in Montreal, I'll try New York." Man proposes, etc. That evening's mail brought him a letter that materially altered all his plans. He sat so long silent and thoughtful after reading it, that Grace looked at him in surprise. "You look as grave as an owl, Frank. Whom is your letter from?" Doctor Frank started out of his reverie to find Kate's eyes fixed inquiringly upon him too.

"That we don't know; says her name is Moore, and that she wants work. Kind of sounds like a fairy story, don't it, Kate?" "Poor thing, poor thing!" was Kate's only answer. "Amasy," said Mrs.

Kate's own face looked back at her from the front page and her name in the headlines met her astonished eyes. The picture, which had been made from a snapshot, was excellent, and the text was a highly colored recital of her achievements obtained from Bowers.

He was conscious at the same time of a new feeling of repulsion on Kate's part, and the thought filled him with nervous foreboding. Whatever change her disillusion had brought, his own physical infatuation for her was, if possible, deeper and more unreasonable.