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I must admit that this news gave me at the time very little pleasure; but in memory of my dear departed uncle, I could not but give his friend the welcome he expected. I was told that His Excellency had gone straight to his quarters at Kasre-el-Nouzha, where he was accustomed to dwell. I hastened to send my respects to him, begging him to let me know if he would receive me.

But the most delightful of all these marvels is certainly Kasre-el-Nouzha, my neighbouring property. Kasre-el-Nouzha was a Turkish fancy of my uncle's. These three Arabic words correspond to the Spanish Buen-Retiro; or, literally translated, they signify "Castle of Pleasures."

"Ah! let us go into Kasre-El-Nouzha!" said my aunt. At this I glanced at my uncle with an air of distress; he, without wincing in the least, said: "The communicating door is walled up. Kasre-El-Nouzha is let." "Let!" she exclaimed; "To whom?" "To an important personage, Mohammed-Azis, a friend of mine from Constantinople. You do not know him."

I added, not without a certain embarrassment " and it is your death again that has been the cause of it!" "How was that? Tell me all about it." "You know, your Turkish pavilion Kasre-el-Nouzha?" "I know, well?" "Well, four months ago, Mohammed-Azis arrived there." "Hullo!" he said, "Mohammed?" "Yes, and you had entrusted him with a a commission," I continued.