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The sun is a man called "Chal-chal'." The moon is a woman named "Ka-bi-gat'." "Once the moon was also a sun, and then it was always day; but Lumawig made a moon of the woman, and since then there is day and night, which is best." There are two kinds of stars. "Fat-ta-ka'-kan" is the name of large stars and "tuk-fi'-fi" is the name of small stars. The stars are all men, and they wear white coats.

This is what he saw: The Moon dipped her paddle, called "pip-i'," in the water, and rubbed it dripping over a smooth, rounded stone, an agate with ribbons of colors wound about in it. Then she stretched one long arm inside the pot as far as she could. "Tub, tub, tub," said the ribbons of colors as Ka-bi-gat' pounded up against the molten copper with the stone in her extended hand.

I have, therefore, taken the liberty of adding slightly to the tales by giving them some local coloring, but I have neither added to nor detracted from the facts related. The sun man and moon woman; or, origin of head-hunting The Moon, a woman called "Ka-bi-gat'," was one day making a large copper cooking pot. The copper was soft and plastic like potter's clay.

Ka-bi-gat' held the heavy sagging pot on her knees and leaned the hardened rim against her naked breasts. As she squatted there turning, patting, shaping, the huge vessel a son of the man Chal-chal', the Sun, came to watch her.

Instantly the Moon struck him, cutting off his head. Chal-chal' was not there. He did not see it, but he knew Ka-bi-gat' cut off his son's head by striking with her pip-i'. He hastened to the spot, picked the lad up, and put his head where it belonged and the boy was alive.