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Potts not only widened his mouth from ear to ear, but, as O'Flynn said after, "stretched it clane round his head and tyed it up furr jy in a nate knot behind." Benham took a back seat, and when anybody remembered him for the next hour it was openly to gloat over his discomfiture. John Dillon was one of those frontiersmen rightly called typically American.

Cora : Taica : Maitsaca. Huasteca : Aquicha : Aytz. Yaruro : ditto : Goppe. Maypure : Kie : Kejapi. Lule : Inni : Allit. Vilela : Olo : Copi. Moxo : Sachi : Cohe. Chiquito : Suus : Copi. Guarani : Quarasi : Jasi. Mantchou : Choun : Bia. Tschaghatai : Koun : Ay. Tibetan : Niyma : Rdjawa. Chinese : Jy : Yue. Japanese : Fi : Tsouki.

In sech a case, all I got to say is, that this here schooner'll be very happy to land you at the nighest port, Scott's Bay, frincense, from which you may work your way by land to your desired haven. Sorry would I be to part with ye, specially in this here moment of jy; but ef ye've got tired of the Antelope, tain't no more'n's natral.

His Marchyniss, the lovely & ecomplisht Emily de St. Cornichon, quitted this mortial spear very soon after she had presented her lord with the two little dawling Cherrybins above dixcribed, in whomb, after the loss of that angle his wife, the disconslit widderer found his only jy on huth.