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And above all, his early claim of honor as a poet was to be justified by his possession of the fruits of study. But there was also in Dante a quality of mind which led him to unite the results of knowledge with poetry in a manner almost peculiar to himself. He was essentially a mystic. The dark and hidden side of things was not less present to his imagination than the visible and plain.

He longed to be writing a letter to the bishop. He was proud of his letters. Pen and paper were at hand, and he did write. I think it right to represent to your lordship the conduct, I believe I may be justified in saying the misconduct, of the Reverend Fenwick, the vicar of Bullhampton.

You are perfectly justified in declaring that having my reason and sound mind, I acted reasonably and in self-defence, while the Government, my aggressor, being irresponsible, and consequently insane, cannot but have acted madly and wrong; and if high treason there is, it must be on its side, not on my part."

But when these men did not turn up at the next point on the trail, and O'Brien did, the Police began rapid investigation. If there were no eye-witnesses in the case a web of circumstantial evidence would have to be woven around the figure of the fourth man of the party if the facts that would emerge justified it.

"No, no; my uncanny vision doesn't go as far as that, I'm afraid." "Dare I murmur indigestion?" she asked, with a gentle chuckle, hunching herself into her shawls. "You may murmur, but I scorn you as a materialist and one who isn't even genuine. I go to my sowing, but you'll see if this old man is not justified of his dreams."

My regard for her, for yourself, for your mother will you allow me to prove it, by relating some circumstances which nothing but a very sincere regard nothing but an earnest desire of being useful I think I am justified though where so many hours have been spent in convincing myself that I am right, is there not some reason to fear I may be wrong?" He stopped. "I understand you," said Elinor.

Europe, with a few partial and unhappy exceptions, has enjoyed ten years of peace, during which all her Governments, what ever the theory of their constitutions may have been, are successively taught to feel that the end of their institution is the happiness of the people, and that the exercise of power among men can be justified only by the blessings it confers upon those over whom it is extended.

Crewe, with a wave of his hand, signified his pleasure that they should sit, and cleared his throat. "It's just as well, perhaps," he began, "that we haven't had the chance to see each other earlier. When a man starts out upon an undertaking of the gravest importance, wherein he stakes his reputation, an undertaking for which he is ridiculed and reviled, he likes to have his judgment justified.

Macaulay, who thought twelve years far too long, felt himself justified in supporting the Government during the preliminary stages; but he took occasion to make some remarks indicating that circumstances might occur which would oblige him to resign office, and adopt a line of his own. As time went on it became evident that his firmness would be put to the test; and a severe test it was.

It would seem unjust to General Hooker greatly to blame him for the success of that blow, which could not have been reasonably anticipated. In determining upon this, one of the most extraordinary movements of the war, General Lee proceeded in defiance of military rules, and was only justified in his course by the desperate character of the situation of affairs.