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He turned away, and Nell imagined that his camera-like eye was taking instantaneous photographs of all the broken and mended things in the immaculate room. A wave of hot blood made her back prickle and dyed her throat crimson. "I don't like rubbish," said the man. "I don't like junk." "Who does?" stammered Great Taylor. "You dislike junk, and yet there was your husband, a junkman."

All the ledgers, journals, checks, and vouchers containing the financial history of the Metropolitan since its organization in 1893 had been sold for $117 to a junkman, who had agreed in writing to grind them into pulp, so that they would be safe from "prying eyes." We shall therefore never know precisely how this money was spent.

Arthur can get more for his stuff because it’s harder to do.” “But what do you want nails for?” Maida asked in bewilderment. “Why, nails are junk.” “And what’s junk?” The three children stared at her. “Don’t you know what junk is, Maida?” Rosie asked in despair. “No.” “Junk’s old iron,” Dicky explained. “And you sell it to the junkman. Once we made forty cents out of one of these fairs.

The movements of ordinary, unmarked buzzards mainly concerned only those whose stock had strayed; but almost anybody with time to spare might follow this rare and famous visitor, this belled and feathered junkman of the sky. Supposing now that some one followed it today maybe followed it even to a certain thick clump of cypress in the middle of Little Niggerwool!

His eye roves along the windows. The crook of a hungry finger will bring him to a stand. Or a junkman is below upon his business. Yesterday the bells upon his cart would have sounded sour, but this morning they rattle agreeably, as though a brisker cow than common, springtime in her hoofs, were jangling to her pasture.

"Far away in Stamboul, with the help of God, I managed as a junkman to feed my wife and myself; but here am I, in Egypt, a stranger, alone and starving, with possibly my wife already dead of starvation, and all this through a dream." "Alas! Alas! my father! that you at your age should be tempted to wander so far from home and friends, because of a dream.

Pressure is what's wanted. Sprinkle under pressure if you want to iron fast." He procured a packing-case from the woodpile in the cellar, fitted a cover to it, and raided the scrap-iron the Silva tribe was collecting for the junkman. With fresh-sprinkled garments in the box, covered with the board and pressed by the iron, the device was complete and in operation.

I was famous as a trader. I was notorious as a miser. I could even make a junkman weep when I had dealings with him. Other boys called me in to sell for them their collections of bottles, rags, old iron, grain, and gunny-sacks, and five-gallon oil-cans aye, and gave me a commission for doing it.

He had become the horse of a wandering junkman. The next step in his career, as he well knew, would be the glue factory and the boneyard. Now when a horse has lived for twenty years or so, it is sad enough to face these things. But at eight years to see the glue factory close at hand is enough to make a horse wish he had never been foaled.

Occasionally they took out the little coffeepot and drove through the country and looked at other wheat, but there was none so fine as theirs. And with the money it would bring the golden wheat turned into gold they would And now came endless dreams. "I thought we'd sell the old coffeepot to the junkman and get a brand-new car, a good one, but now " This was Wes. "I think we ought to save, too.