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The brains of these sane ones are all too busy with the real affairs of life, the disposition of their wages, anticipation of dinner, some girl, some junketing, some wager, the last rifle match, and, more than all, with that pleasant rhythmic nothingness, companion of the busy swing and play of muscles, which of all states is secretly most akin to the deep unconsciousness of life itself.

Helen and Tom did not seem to understand that their friend could not go off fishing or sailing or otherwise junketing whenever they would like to have her. But picture making and directors, and especially sunlight, will not wait, and so Ruth tried to tell them. It was Chess Copley, after all, who seemed to have the better appreciation of Ruth's situation just at this time.

In return for these humble services, they were permitted to say "yes" and "no" at the council-board, and to have that enviable privilege, the run of the public kitchen being graciously permitted to eat, and drink, and smoke, at all those snug junketing and public gormandisings, for which the ancient magistrates were equally famous with their modern successors.

'Twas from him I knew the sad penalty which they fixed upon for me, for the 29th of May, that being Royal Oak Day, when they celebrated the Restoration in England, and more or less in the colonies, and on which a great junketing had been arranged, with races, and wrestling, and various sports.

Parties of three and four were junketing in corners; laughing servants rushed to and fro as in a café; the lounges were occupied by reclining beauties or languid fops overpowered with wine, about whom lovely young women, flushed with Champagne and mischief, were coquetting and frolicking. "I warrant you, these people know it is our last night," said Dalton; "and see what a use they make of us!

They left us sundry charms for our 'protection, and solemnly cautioned us to keep as far away as possible from Nan-Tauach during their absence. Half-exasperated, half-amused I watched them go. "No work could be done without them, of course, so we decided to spend the days of their absence junketing about the southern islets of the group.

In my time we took it more careless; and I don't know that we was any the worse for it! When I and my poor man were jined in it we kept up the junketing all the week, and drunk the parish dry, and had to borrow half a crown to begin housekeeping!" When Mrs. Edlin had gone back to her cottage Phillotson spoke moodily. "I don't know whether I ought to do it at any rate quite so rapidly." "Why?"

If you are through your junketing by that time, it will be an admirable opportunity for you to learn the practical details of the business . . . . Perhaps it may quicken your ardor in the matter if I communicate to you another fact.

"We workfolk shall have some lordly- junketing to-night." said Cainy Ball, casting forth his thoughts in a new direction. "This morning I see'em making the great puddens in the milking-pails lumps of fat as big as yer thumb, Mister Oak! I've never seed such splendid large knobs of fat before in the days of my life they never used to be bigger then a horse-bean.

"It is wholesome to exercise the mind after a long meal," said the learned gentleman from the midst of the clouds of smoke which enveloped him, "but it would not be well if every day was spent in such junketing: 'Qui amat vitam longam, amet mensam brevem! Write that down in your book and translate it."