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He was there in the town, in Hanover, a hair-specialist, treating Clara's thin short hair. Even Emma had a "jungling." He had a very vulgar surname, too vulgar to be spoken; it was breathed against Miriam's shoulder in the half-light. Miriam was begged to forget it at once and to remember only the beautiful little name that preceded it.

He told of the time when a soldier could get "jungling leave"; when he could go off with a Winchester and a pal and a native guide for two or three months; when the Government paid so many rupees for a tiger skin, so many for a cobra a scale of rewards for bringing back the trophies of the jungle wilds.

I hope it will not be too hard for our good Jungling, answered the Professor, with a wise smile, remembering his own student life in Germany. He was right; and Nat was already getting his lesson in life with a rapidity which would have astonished his friends at home.

I sang "Ein Jungling liebt ein Maedchen," of Schumann, and when I came to the line, "Und wem das just passieret, dem bricht das Herz entzwei," I heard a mournful sigh. It came from the Benjamin of the flock, a very young officer, who sat with his hands over his face sobbing audibly. What chord had I struck? Was his the heart that was breaking entzwei?

"Don't you remember," said I to Min, "those lines of Schiller's Der Jungling am Bache? They seem appropriate to that little incident," I continued, pointing to the small toddlekin, who was destroying the daisy-chain: "`An der Quelle sass der Knabe Blumen wand er sich zum Kranz, Und er sah sie fortgerissen Treiben in den wellen Tanz. Und so fleihen meine Tage, Wie die quelle rastlos hin!

Finally she asked, "Have you ever read that poem of Heine's 'Ein Jungling liebt ein Madchen, Die hat einen Andern erwahlt?" "Oh, yes," he answered; then they were silent again. Finally Corydon nerved herself to yet another effort. "Mr. Harding," she said, "will you come a little nearer, please. I have something very important to say to you."

Emma's jungling might possibly be a student.... She grieved over the things that she felt were lying neglected, "things in general" she felt sure she ought to discuss with the girls... improving the world... leaving it better than you found it... the importance of life... sleeping and dreaming that life was beauty and waking and finding it was duty... making things better, reforming... being a reformer.... Pater always said young people always wanted to reform the universe... perhaps it was so... and nothing could be done.