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In the account book of one of them were items recording certain sums having been paid to Mr. Judson. This money had been given to him in exchange for circular bankers' orders, sent from America; but the Emperor did not understand this. He concluded that Judson had been paid to be an English spy, and at once gave orders for the arrest of both the missionaries.

"But there is something, Judson, and as your wife I demand to know what it is. Perhaps I can help you." And then Mr. Terwilliger broke down, and told the whole story to Mrs. Terwilliger, omitting no detail, stopping only to bring that worthy lady to on the half-dozen or more occasions when her emotions were too strong for her nerves, causing her to swoon.

He had felt so sure of his game, he had guarded every possible loophole where success might escape him, he had paved every step so carefully that his mind, grown to the habitual thought of winning, was stunned by the revelation. Like Judson in the morning, his only defence lay In putting blame on somebody else. "You are the most accomplished double-dealer I ever met," he declared to the priest.

Judson cowered down in his chair and dropped his eyes, while my father seated himself and went on. "Before Irving Whately went to the war he had me draw up a will. You witnessed it. It listed his property the merchandise, the real estate, the bank stock, the cash deposits, and the personal effects. He did not contemplate his wife's second marriage, you see.

That's how come I signed up with Judson Eells, I thought I was sticking him good; but he was playing a system and they didn't anybody tumble to it until I discovered the Wunpost. "W'y, there wasn't a prospector in the state of Nevada that hadn't worked old Eells for a grubstake.

"I imagined I was going to work wonders I thought I was going to be a Florence Nightingale, and the men were going to idolize me." "Don't they?" Judson demanded. "No. That is not in exactly the way I expected." "They all want to marry her," O'Reilly explained. "Insolent bunch!" growled the captain. Then he swallowed hard and said, "But for that matter, so do I." "Why, Joe!"

But the finances of the Society at home were at a low ebb, and it was thought needful to diminish the number of stations. The intolerance of the Burmese Government led to the decision that there was less benefit in maintaining that at Rangoon than those in the British provinces; and, as Dr. Judson had no private means, he was obliged to obey and return to Moulmein.

"Aunt Candace wants some Jane P. Coats's thread, number 50 white, two spools." "That's J. & P. Coats, young man." Judson spoke more sharply than he need to have done. "Goin' East to school doesn't always finish a boy; size an' learnin' don't count," and he giggled. I was whistling softly, "Oh, for a Closer Walk with God," and I turned and smiled down on the little man.

It was to William Judson the dissenter, who kept himself to himself, that I determined to present myself in the first instance. As a dissenter, he would be likely to have more respect for the memory of the Nonconformist and Wesleyan Haygarths, and to have preserved any traditions relating to them with more fidelity than the Anglican and frivolous members of the Judson family.

Judson, and grasping his arm, led him out under it in the dark; while a fee, put into the hand, first of the turnkey and then of the porter, may have secured that the four legs under the cloak should pass unobserved.