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"Ah! you are weeping, Mariquita!" said Juanito to his sister. "Yes," she said, "I think of you, my poor Juanito; how lonely you will be without us." Soon the grand figure of the marquis came forward. He looked at the blood of his children; he turned to the mute and motionless spectators, and said in a strong voice, stretching his hands toward Juanito, "Spaniards!

Juanito Pelaez alone took the blow ill, since it forced him to leave school for his father's store, with whom he was thenceforward to be associated in the business: the rascal found the store much less entertaining, but after some time his friends again noticed his hump appear, a symptom that his good humor was returning.

Juanito Pelaez laughed with a full mouth, as though he thought this a glorious thing, while Placido stared at him in disgust. "Listen, what did the professor explain yesterday?" asked Juanito, changing the conversation. "Yesterday there was no class." "Oho, and the day before yesterday?" "Man, it was Thursday!" "Right! What an ass I am!

Ah, it is Juan, young scapegrace! that rings, and out of breath, truly, is he; so that for once he is ready to obey when admonished by the Padre to leave off. "What a noise thou art making, Juanito! I think San Gabriel will be stopping his ears. Run up the choir steps, boy, and call to me if thou seest them coming."

Howard nodded at him, saying a pleasant 'Qué hay, Juanito? The boy uncovered the rare whiteness of his splendid teeth in a quick smile. He began placing the soup. Helen looked at him; he blushed and withdrew hastily to the kitchen. Throughout the meal the four talked unconstrainedly; it was as though they had known one another for a dozen years and intimately.

One member alone, pale, undone, leaned upon the priest, who spent his powers of religious consolation upon this man, the only one who was to live. The executioner knew, as did all present, that Juanito had agreed to accept his place for that one day. The old marquis and his wife, Clara, Mariquita, and the two younger brothers walked forward and knelt down a few steps distant from the fatal block.

But Juanito was already far away. He had caught a glimpse of a guard approaching and feared arrest. Basilio then went on toward the University to see if perhaps the secretary's office might be open and if he could glean any further news. The office was closed, but there was an extraordinary commotion in the building.

", it is true that Juanito looks for trouble." Chino Herrera rolled a cornshuck cigarette with precise, delicate twists of his fingers. "He is el chivatothe young billy goatthat one. Ready to take on el toro himself and lock horns. Such a one learns from knocks, not from warning words. But he is yet a boy. Give him time." "He’d better give himself some time," Nye announced.

He recalled the struggles and privations his mother was suffering in order to keep him in Manila, while she went without even the necessities of life. They were just passing through the breach of Santo Domingo, and Juanito, gazing across the little plaza in front of the old Customs building, exclaimed, "Now I think of it, I'm appointed to take up the collection." "What collection?"

It is true I have my grandson remaining, but this Juanito in no way resembles his father, and I confess it to you, I do not care much for him. I can only see in him the most distant reflection of my poor son. Of my past, of that time which was the happiest of my life, all I have left me is Visitacion. She is the living image of the poor dead one.