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Carver, professing freedom from any tincture of credulity, leaves us 'to draw what conclusions we please. The natural inference is 'private information, about which the only difficulty is that Carver, who knew the topography and the chances of a secret messenger arriving to prompt the Jossakeed, does not allude to this theory. He seems to think such successes not uncommon.

"You must travel," said the jossakeed, "as long as the rod directs you pointing to the direction in which you must go, but when the rod ceases to point, and stands upright, then you must live there." So the people went on until they came to a hill, where they camped, having first put up the rod so that it did not lean at all.

However, the tale goes on, and Kohl's informant says that he knew the Jossakeed, or medium, who had become a Christian. On his deathbed the white man asked him how it was done: 'now is the time to confess all truthfully'. The converted one admitted the premisses he was dying, a Christian man but, 'Believe me, I did not deceive you at that time. I did not move the lodge.

Piper's case, the spirits are fond of diagnosing and prescribing for absent patients. A good example of savage possession is given in his travels by Captain Jonathan Carver . Carver was waiting impatiently for the arrival of traders with provisions, near the Thousand Lakes. A priest, or jossakeed, offered to interview the Great Spirit, and obtain information.