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"I'll jist put some bread, an' eggs, an' coffee, an' pork, an' things in a basket, an' I'll have 'em took up fur ye, with yer trunk, an' I'll go with ye an' take some milk.

"She's jist like ane o' oorsel's," whispered Annie to her husband on the first opportunity, "only a hantle better an bonnier." They took the nearest way to the harbour through the town, and Lady Clementina and Blue Peter kept up a constant talk as they went.

"Dat I may never see the light," began the old woman, "if I thought it wor anything but the turf, and jist the kishes that Barney Smith left there, the morn; and he to say nothing of the barley, and bring all these throubles on me and yer honer, the like of him, the spalpeen!"

That pretty little head of yours is stuffed with the wildest nonsense. I ran make nothing out of you, so good-night. Tell her I'll be there. And I was leaving her to walk down the lane when I turned back and said, 'How long has Sinfi been at the camp? 'On'y jist come. She's bin away from us for a long while, said Rhona.

"Well, the only effect it would have you'd be obliged to receive the folks in your tent, and perhaps that would not be agreeable. But you can do jist as you please, remember. I've been at Ballarat for six months, and I should think I know'd the ideas and habits of the miners purty well." "For Heaven's sake, let us go to your place without delay, and get through with the business.

It's Minister was jist like a horse that has the spavin: he sot off considerable stiff at first, but when he once got under way, he got on like a house a fire. He went like the wind, full split.

"'One blast upon his bugle horn is worth a thousand men. But ye did ride like thunder, Cap, that's a fac', an' I ain't ther only one done up, neither. Jist take a squint et thet fat Dutchman thar."

A few passengers advised taking to sledges, others a postponement of the journey until the weather changed. Yuba Bill alone was for pressing forward as they were. "Two miles more and we're on the high grade, whar the wind is strong enough to blow you through the windy, and jist peart enough to pack away over them cliffs every inch of snow that falls.

Fancy 'is forgettin' all abaht it, like thet! She was really quite indignant; though, as she had distinctly refused Jim's offer, it was rather hard to see why. ''E said 'e'd wite for me ahtside the doors; I wonder if 'e's there. I'll go an' see if 'e is, see if I don't an' then if 'e's there, I'll go in on my own 'ook, jist ter spite 'im!

I'd rather be de slave dan de master, any time; and as fur when de time comes to die, I reckon I'll take jist as much out of de world as he will. "'Poor benighted soul, sez he, liftin' up his hands again, mighty solemn, 'so they've really learn't you to talk so, eh? To think ob perwerting a human soul in dis way! Drefful! drefful! "'Now, sez I, 'massa, nobody told me to say dat at all.