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There's not a jintleman in the worrld that can lay over ye in the judgmint of a dog, sir. Now I'll vinture that your honor'll know that dog's dimensions there better than he knows them his own self, and just by the casting of your educated eye upon him. Would you mind giving a guess, if ye'll be so good?" I knew that upon my answer would depend my fate.

Begorrah, if there is n't any mistake about it, as me uncle remarked, when he heard that the ship with his wife on was lost at saa, then I'll execute the Donnybrook jig in the highest style of the art. What was it that aroused your suspicion that some jintleman was onmannerly enough to be paaping down on us?"

Afther we had shtopped at a station where they tuk tickets we wint ahead again, an' prisintly, as we rips through some udther station, up jumps the jintleman opposite, swearin' hard undher his tongue, an' looks out at the windy. 'I thought this train shtopped here, sez he." "Chalk Farm," observed Hewitt, with a nod. "The name I do not know, sor, but that's fwhat he said.

The boats from the sloop-of-war on the other side of the island, and their crews armed to the teeth, are now within a few rods of the palace. 'Be the bones of St. Patrick, an' sure that is the most illegant news that iver graated the ears iv a jintleman in disthress! exclaimed Pat O'Leary, who was in an ecstacy of joy at the prospect of his speedy deliverance.

I also gave him a sovereign, telling him to pay his master for the horse-hire and keep the change for himself; then started him back, brimful of delight and the 'craythur, receiving his parting salute: "'Yer 'onor is a jintleman, and no mistake. "I arranged with the storekeeper to let a boy take me in his car to Clonmel. "The Green Isle!

Whin Corbett was poundin' th' first jintleman iv th' land like a man shinglin' a roof, th' first lady iv th' land stood in th' corner, cheerin' on th' bruised an' bleedin' hero. 'Darlin'' she says, 'think iv ye'er home, me love. Think, she says, 'iv our little child larnin' his caddychism in Rahway, New Jersey, she says.

"I niver want to see that old cove, niver no more," he said; and this was truer than Frank thought. "I calls it a mean act to make a poor chap work for a bit o' supper. He's no jintleman, he isn't." "Well," said Frank, "I should like to a said `Thank yer; it seems ongrateful." "Then you'd better stop and do it," said Barney impatiently. "I'm off.

It will ease my sorrow, for my poor heart is breaking entirely, and he is there," pointing to the corpse, "and he knows that what I am afther telling you is thrue. "I came of poor but dacent parints. There was but the two of us, Pat C and I. My father rinted a good farm, and he sint Pat to school, and gave him the eddication of a jintleman.