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In a later generation Cromwell exhibited the same error reversed, and continued to keep a hostile eye on Spain when he should have kept it on France. In our own time the Jingoes of Fashoda kept it on France when they ought already to have had it on Germany.

He is needed." "It seems to me that there is a nigger in the woodpile." "You think Merriwell is held back for reasons not known?" "I do." "Say, by jingoes! I am going down and talk to Putnam. If he doesn't give Merriwell a trial he's a chump." "Hold on." "What for? If I wait it will be too late for Merriwell to go in on the first of the seventh."

This is consonant with that whole militarist view of international politics which, as I have already indicated, is held in a more extreme and violent form in Germany than in any other country, but which is the creed of jingoes and imperialists everywhere.

We did not approach Clovelly finally through the beautiful Hobby Drive, laid out in former years by one of the Hamlyn ladies of Clovelly Court, but by the turnpike road, which, however, was not uninteresting. It had been market-day at Bideford and there were many market carts and "jingoes" on the road, with perhaps a heap of yellow straw inside and a man and a rosy boy on the seat.

It must be remembered that, as I have already said, we had no means of bringing pressure to bear on America, whereas from her point of view war with Germany would be a comparatively simple affair, which would involve no vital risks for her, but would, on the contrary, greatly benefit her from an industrial point of view, besides gratifying the jingoes, by giving them an opportunity of making full use of their long-desired Army, Navy and commercial fleet.

"Glad to meet you," said Roberts, still speaking out of one side of his mouth, in a way that somehow gave the impression that he did not wish the other side of his face to know what he was saying. "From Boston and come to attend school in Oakdale. Jingoes!" Rackliff smiled wryly, as his hand was given a squeeze by the wearer of the green cap. "Don't wonder you're surprised," he murmured.

Oliver tells me she is an orphan well off with no kith or kin. She has just come to England, it seems, for the first time. Her father brought her up abroad away from everybody. She will have a success! But of all the little Jingoes!" Mr. Ferrier's face expressed an amused recollection of some of Diana's speeches. "Mallory?" said Sir James, under his breath "Mallory?"

Hodge and Carson strolled about that afternoon, first visiting the picnic grove and from thence turning toward the lake and the boathouse. At the boathouse they rested a while, for the spot was cool and inviting. "I'd like a camera," said Carson. "Jingoes, Bart, a fellow could get some great views here! The scenery is soothing. That's the word for it, soothing. It gives me a feeling of rest."

My companion said things were no worse than when we started. God forgive him the courageous lie. The wind and the sea rose. It was about opposite Southwold that the danger became intolerable, and that I thought it could only end one way. Which way? The way out, my honest Jingoes, which you are more afraid of than of anything else in the world.

Tom asked. "I mean your namesake here," Roscoe said, slapping his rifle. "I named it after you, you old glum head. "You said a feller couldn't aim straight, kind of, if he smoked cigarettes." "I got to admit I was wrong," said Tom. "You bet you have! Jingoes, it's good to hear you talk!" Roscoe laughed. "How in the world did you get here, anyway?"