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Every bill is two or three times as much as I thought it would be, and I'm so sorry, for I meant to be such a thrifty housekeeper." "Jiminetty Christmas!" exclaimed Marian, looking at some of the papers, "I should think these bills were big! Why, that's more than we pay a month for groceries, and look at the size of our family." "I know it," said Patty hopelessly. "I don't see how it happened."

So I sat down on the edge of the float to think about it and then I saw two or three more just like it, and even more, too, only not all of them were so plain. Believe me, I didn't know what to think. Then all of a sudden I happened to remember that the Indian's head is the design of the scout pathfinder badge. Jiminetty, but didn't I get down on my knees and study those some more.

I guess they ought to tear down that row of tenements. Pretty soon I rapped again, and I felt kind of funny, because I didn't know what I ought to say especially if a woman opened it. All of a sudden it opened very soft, and, good night I who should be standing there but who do you think? Westy Martin. Jiminetty, but wasn't I flabbergasted!

"A steamer that I was on was wrecked yesterday, and so far as I know I am the only survivor," answered Cabot. "Goodness! You don't say so! What steamer was she, where was she bound, and what part of the coast was she wrecked on?" "She was the 'Lavinia' from New York for St. Johns, and she wasn't wrecked on any part of the coast, but was lost at sea." "Jiminetty!

But an invitation is another thing. But I say, Nan, Jiminetty crickets!" "I'm not sure that date-spelling people ought to refer to those crickets," said Nan, lifting her eyebrows. "Well, Jerusalem crickets, then! and every kind of crickets in the ornithology or whatever they belong in. But, Nan, I've discovered something!" "What, Miss Columbus?" "Oh, I'm a Sherlock Holmes! I'm Mr. D. Tective!

Donnelle wanted Pee-wee and me to stay at his house a little while, because he said he was kind of interested in us. He would listen to Pee-wee very sober like and then begin to laugh. And whenever Pee-wee tried to explain, it only made him laugh more. "Anyway, I could see you weren't a very bad kind of a spy," Pee-wee said. Jiminetty, I had to laugh. Well, Mr.

I love to get letters, and I know I'll love yours." "DO love them, dear, and perhaps, through them, learn to love, Jiminetty Christmas, Apple Blossom, I've just ten minutes to catch that train! Come on, dear, fly with me, at least to the railroad station!" They flew, and by speeding the car, Barker just managed to reach the station in time.