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The others slid forward on the long seat, unbuttoned their vests, thrust their feet up on the chairs, pulled the stately brass cuspidors nearer, and ran the green window-shade down on its little trolley, to shut them in from the uncomfortable strangeness of night. After each bark of laughter they cried, "Say, jever hear the one about " Babbitt was expansive and virile.

Like he gave Mister his Sunday cutaway coat.... How'd he hurt his foot, mommer, jever hear him say?" "Berkler bone, I hear." They worked in silence for a time. "I'm right tired to-night. Put 'em here in his clo'es-bag, mommer.... Don't seem it could be just his foot. Torm Hartman's leg's right off to his hip, and he's got a fat look to him. Mr.

The horses being procured we got to Jever about eleven o'clock. Here was a good inn, and we rested pretty well; but in the morning discouragement took hold of my spirits in a way that I have seldom experienced. I was ready to conclude we were altogether wrong and out of the way of our duty; but forward we must now go to see the end of this exercising journey.

V.V.'s sorry like he wanted to do something, and something in him knewed all the time he couldn't ever." "Somep'n in him knewed jever hear such foolishness! I'll take the broom to this floor. You go along to bed now. Didn't I hear you promise him?" "Mommer, I'm going. Only I druther of went to the party," said Kern.

Her voice was full and rich. It delighted Mr. Thomas. "I say, that 's singin' now, I tell you," he cried. "You ought to have some o' the new songs. D' jever hear 'Baby, you got to leave'? I tell you, that 's a hot one. I 'll bring you some of 'em. Why, you could git a job on the stage easy with that voice o' yourn. I got a frien' in one o' the comp'nies an' I 'll speak to him about you."

"Say, jever notice how Mrs. Kennicott fusses around the house? Other evening when I was coming over here, she'd forgot to pull down the curtain, and I watched her for ten minutes. Jeeze, you'd 'a' died laughing. She was there all alone, and she must 'a' spent five minutes getting a picture straight.

Ye'll maybe know him Jim Gray; big, slab-sided chap he is, with his nose sorter twisted like, where a y brumby colt kicked him when he was a kid. y good thing for him it was a brumby, or unshod, anyway; he'd a' bin in Queer Street else, I'm thinkin'. Jever meet him down that way? I admitted that I never had, but promised to look out for him. 'Aye, ye might, said the bullocky.

'Jever see Tom Reed with his vest off, steerin' Congress through a heat-wave? I've been to Washington often too often filin' my patents. I called her Tom Reed. We three 'ud play pussy-wants-a-corner all round the outposts on off-days cross-lots through the sage and along the mezas till we was short-circuited by canons. O, it was great for me and Baldy and Tom Reed!

Dined at Varel, and had two poor tired horses and an awkward driver to Jever. We gave him several severe lectures without much effect; at length we came to a small inn on the road, where he made a stand, and said he could go no further without two more horses, which we really believed was true, for if he had not got them we must have stuck in the sand.

"Oh, it's the training in constructive imagination that a fellow gets in modern business life." The other six pages were rather like the first. For a week he went about looking important. Every morning, as he dressed, he thought aloud: "Jever stop to consider, Myra, that before a town can have buildings or prosperity or any of those things, some realtor has got to sell 'em the land?