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Dromio was a pleasant fellow, and when Antipholis was dull and melancholy, he used to divert himself with the odd humours and merry jests of his slave, so that the freedoms of speech he allowed in Dromio were greater than is usual between masters and their servants.

I remember, too, reading in some French book a description of Turgenev as a strange figure in the literary circles of Paris a large figure with a curious chastity of mind who seemed bewildered by some of the barbarous jests of civilized men of genius. There are, indeed, as I have said, plenty of suggestions for a portrait of Turgenev, quite apart from his novels. Mr.

Now, as far as I have been able to compare the three schools, it appears to me that the Arab and Lombard are both distinguished from the Byzantine by their energy and love of excitement, but the Lombard stands alone in his love of jest: Neither an Arab nor Byzantine ever jests in his architecture; the Lombard has great difficulty in ever being thoroughly serious; thus they represent three conditions of humanity, one in perfect rest, the Byzantine, with exquisite perception of grace and dignity; the Arab, with the same perception of grace, but with a restless fever in his blood; the Lombard, equally energetic, but not burning himself away, capable of submitting to law, and of enjoying jest.

The hump-backed gardener made the younger nuns merry with his jests, and after supper they all united in prayer. Even the oarsmen had found new vigor and new life; and it was well that few of the Greek sisters understood Egyptian, for the more jovial of them started a song in praise of the charms of the maids they loved, which was not composed for women's ears.

The adherents of the Bourbons were compelled to content themselves with muttering their resentment in private saloons, where, however, the Chief Consul commonly had spies who reported to him, or to his Savarys and Fouchés, the jests and the caricatures in which the depressed and hopeless party endeavoured to find some consolation.

Some of those who were surrounding Princess Mary were attracted to my side by curiosity, and gradually all of them left her and joined my circle. I did not stop talking; my anecdotes were clever to the point of absurdity, my jests at the expense of the queer people passing by, malicious to the point of frenzy. I continued to entertain the public till sunset.

They played at 'the stick burns, and the young poets played at 'heart-burns, and the witlings played off their jests, and the jests rolled away with a thundering sound, as if empty pots were being shattered against doors.

At sight of me, for I was without my cloak, and my motley was revealed in the cold, morning light, she cried out in amazement first, and then in rage deeming me one of those parasites who tramp the world in the garb of folly, seeking here a dinner, there a bed, in exchange for some scurvy tumbling or some witless jests. "Ossa di Cristo!" was her cry. "Have I housed a Fool?"

Here's Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday gone and you haven't done a line. It's scandalous. 'The notions come and go, my children they come and go like our 'baccy, he answered, filling his pipe. 'Moreover, he stooped to thrust a spill into the grate, 'Apollo does not always stretch his Oh, confound your clumsy jests, Nilghai!

They drifted not far away, and Hubert glanced frequently at Doctor Schoolman, watching his suave smile, almost catching the smooth pleasantries that fell from his accustomed tongue mild, clerical jests, wherewith he of the pulpit assures him of the pew, "I am as thou art."