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Adrian took the view that Sir Coupland was really a weak, good-natured chap who had wanted Gwen to have every excuse for hope that could be constructed, even with unsound materials; but who also wanted the responsibilities of the jerry-builder to rest on other shoulders than his own.

To build thus is to mix sentiment with the mortar, and the house thus created is a place to which affections and memories cling; whereas the mere tenancy of a cube of rotten bricks, thrown together by the jerry-builder of which we know no more than the amount of rent which is charged for it is incapable of nourishing any sentiment, and is, in any case, not a home but a lodging.

What we believe, or, rather, what we know, is that the attack on Socialism in the Thunderer arises from a chaos of inconsistent and mostly evil motives, any one of which would lose simply by being named. A jerry-builder whose houses have been condemned writes anonymously and becomes the Thunderer.

There remains but to add that he was commissioned by a magazine to visit this old-world Hertfordshire village and depict some of its beauties before a projected railway introduced the jerry-builder and a sewerage scheme, and his presence in the White Horse Inn is explained.

Laburnum Villa was in a long street, which resembled the other streets as one tree resembles another; and you had to traverse a great many of these streets before you got into the open country, that is, away from the red-bricked and stucco villas, and still smaller and uglier houses, which had been run up by the enterprising jerry-builder.

Miserable because of their appearance, and because of the fact that no matter what piece of open ground or fields they may select, they are trespassers, and may be ejected, or remain on sufferance only. Happy are they if they can find a piece of land marked for sale, where the jerry-builder has not yet commenced a suburban slum.

I have not made speculative purchases of land, I am not booming a generous jerry-builder. And yet I cannot help reflecting apprehensively on the consequences of my recommendation. Already I see my sweet retreat the prey of the howling mob; I hear the German band playing on the stone parade, and catch the sad strains of the comic singer.

In England many such houses are yet to be found, monuments of the "Bad Old Times" memorials of the "Dark Ages" when lath and stucco existed not, and the "Jerry-builder" had no being.

Leonard looked at her indolently: 'I like to loll. 'But can't you even guess, or try to guess, what I ask you? 'I can't guess. The day's too hot, and that shanty with the drinks is not built yet. 'Or may never be! Again he looked at her sleepily. 'Never be! Why not? 'Because, Leonard, it may depend on you. 'All right then. Drive on! Hurry up the architect and the jerry-builder!

Even now, when glimpses of Elizabethan England are few and far between, we are touched by the supreme peace that still broods over land on which the old-time houses, with their thatched roofs or well-worn tiles, their ingle nooks, their dormer windows, their oak rafters and their many gables, tell of a time when the jerry-builder was not and the suburban villa had not yet come into being.