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And under Pretence of being extremely taken with her Conversation, he desired her Company in his Closet that very Evening. Jeflur's Exultations at hearing this News from Liamil, were beyond all Description. He made her repeat the Oath, which she had at first swore, never to require the Rights of the Favorite Sultana, but be satisfied with the Honours of the Handkerchief.

Could she have suspended her excessive Devotion to receive the King her Husband in a becoming Manner, there had been an End of all Jeflur's Schemes, and Kelirieu's thousand Tomans had been saved to the Treasury; but her sending him Word, that she begg'd his Highness would suffer her to finish her Devotion before she waited on him, gave him Time enough to talk to Liamil, who did not fail of exerting all her Talents, which charm'd the King to that Degree, that he thought Kelirieu had not exceeded in his high Enconiums, the Wit and agreeable Qualities of this Lady.

The King's Amour, which had been so greatly desired, appearing to settle Jeflur's Power, was look'd upon in a very different Light. It was look'd upon as an odious Adultery, an impious Commerce, which would pull down divine Vengeance upon the Kingdom.

You love him, and therefore must leave no Means untry'd to secure his. Liamil relish'd this judicious Lesson, and impatiently waited the Performance of Jeflur's Promise; and being resolv'd to make the utmost Efforts to seduce Zeokinizul, she promised herself, that at the next Meeting she should beat down all Resistance, and allure the King to gratify her Desires.

He placed near the Queen a Dervise, one of those sly finished Villains, who, being Masters of the execrable Art of giving Sin an Appearance of Sanctity, instruct the great ones, whose Favour they purchase at the most infamous Rate, how to Sin without Guilt. This Traytor perform'd his Commission according to Jeflur's Desire.