United States or Malawi ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The members who are for the expenditure always come down; perhaps a constituent or a friend who will profit by the outlay, or is keen on the object, has asked them to attend; at any rate, there is a popular vote to be given, on which the newspapers always philanthropic, and sometimes talked over will be sure to make enconiums.

Binghamton swaggered along the bleachers while the umpire slowly returned to his post. The fans took exception to the player's objection and were not slow in expressing it. Various witty enconiums, not to be misunderstood, attested to the bleachers' love of fair play and their disgust at a player's getting himself put out of the game at a critical stage. The game proceeded.

Could she have suspended her excessive Devotion to receive the King her Husband in a becoming Manner, there had been an End of all Jeflur's Schemes, and Kelirieu's thousand Tomans had been saved to the Treasury; but her sending him Word, that she begg'd his Highness would suffer her to finish her Devotion before she waited on him, gave him Time enough to talk to Liamil, who did not fail of exerting all her Talents, which charm'd the King to that Degree, that he thought Kelirieu had not exceeded in his high Enconiums, the Wit and agreeable Qualities of this Lady.

Of course, there's Mandy." "Of course, there's Mandy," echoed his wife. "I guess you'd just better say, 'There's Mandy. She's the whole thing is Mandy. What I'd do without her goodness only knows." But Mandy was no longer present to enjoy her mother's enconiums. Her voice could be heard in the yard making fierce response to Perkins' jesting remarks.

The same is true of this class to-day; for the frauds in taxation are of greater magnitude than ever before. It was not astonishing, therefore, when John Jacob Astor II died in 1890, and William Astor in 1892, that enconiums should be lavished upon their careers.

... now the sounds of population fail, No cheerful murmurs fluctuate in the gale, No busy steps the grass-grown footway tread, For all the bloomy flush of life is fled. The plucky manner in which "we" had risked our necks for our readers' sakes had won golden enconiums for the Diamond Fields' Advertiser.