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The impossibility of the occurrence staggered him for a second. But a second on the stage is an appreciable space of time, sufficient for the audience to pounce on his clumsiness, to burst into a roar of jeering laughter, to take up the cruelty of the hiss.

He had been convicted before Judge Parry of obtaining money by lying and other illicit means, had been condemned to fine and imprisonment and as he refused to pay the former most obstinately declaring that he was penniless he was made to stand for two hours in the pillory, and was finally dragged through the streets in a rickety cart in full sight of a jeering crowd, sitting with his back to the nag in company of the public hangman, and attired in shameful and humiliating clothes.

It was only too well managed, for it excited jealousy; three months after Thermidor, the "Bonnet Rouge" committee is denounced and condemned; ten are sentenced to twenty years in irons, with the pillory in addition, and, among others, the clever notary, amidst the jeering and insults of the crowd. And yet these are not the worst; their cupidity had mollified their ferocity.

The darkness of night spread over the sea and the arid strip of land in the south, but the greedy croaking of the ravens and vultures echoed more and more loudly from the upper air. From time to time the outbursts of rage and agony of despairing men, and horrible jeering laughter, drowned the voices of the flocks of birds and the roaring of the tempestuous sea.

A jeering laugh seemed the only fitting answer to such a surprise, but Miriam's grave face helped him to repress it and conceal the tumult of his soul by trivial words. But he felt that he could not long succeed in maintaining a successful display of indifference, so he took leave of Miriam. He must greet his father, he said hastily, and induce him to summon the elders.

In an instant we were surrounded by fifty natives of the lower class, jabbering, jeering, screaming, and begging all intent, as it verily seemed, on defeating my object. I gave the monkey-bearer money; instead of thanking me, he simply clamoured for more, while the mob became intolerable, so that I was glad to make my escape. At last I was successful.

'Aye, this air'll do yer, said the other. 'Where are yer stoppin? Costrells'? John nodded. 'They don't know nothin about my comin, but I dessay they'll find me somethin to sleep on. I'll 'ave my own place soon, and some one to look arter it. He drew himself up involuntarily, with the dignity that waits on property. A laugh, rather jeering than cordial, ran through the group of labourers.

Then he laughed again burst into another wild, jeering fit of merriment, and fell to work. First of all, he pointed out to the raven his beak was the pointer that he was sitting upon the choicest portion of that sheep, and must make way therefrom instantly.

Yes, you'd better be seeing about that petition, my friends, for I tell you there isn't going to be any peace till we get the franchise. 'Aw now, they'd give you anything! When the jeering had died a little, and she came to the top once more, she was discovered to be shouting 'You men 'ad just better keep an eye on us 'Can't take our eyes off yer! 'We Suffragettes never have a Day of Rest!

"Now, Misther Whelan, acushla," asked! one, in a jeering tone, "would you be jist pleased to make yer choice between two purty little invintions of ours cardin an ear-ticklin'." The poor man trembled violently, and his livid lips opened but he could not utter a word. "What an obstinate, silent ould baste you are," said the same man, "not to give a civil answer to my question.