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"Did Azzah deal behest to Sun o' noon, * The judge had judged her beauty's bestest boon; And girls who come to me and carp at her, * God make their rosy cheeks her sandal-shoon! And indeed," quoth she, "'twas said that Azzah boasted exceeding beauty and loveliness." "Jamil, in Holy war go fight!" to me they say: * What war save fight for fair ones would I e'er essay?

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Jamil advised the elopement and night journey, promising his aid as long as he lived, the youth accepted and said, "O cousin, wait till I take counsel with her, for she is quick-witted and prudent and hath insight into affairs."

She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Caliph had propped his elbows upon the brocaded cushion, he said, "Out with thy tale, O Jamil!" and the poet begun: Know, O Commander of the Faithful, I was desperately in love with a girl and used often to visit her, because she was my desire and delight of all the things of this world.

Thou seekst my death; naught else thy will can satisfy * While I no goal espy save thee and thee alway." "Thou hast spoken right well," said she, "O King's son, and Jamil also spoke excellently well. But what would Buthaynah have done with him that he saith in his hemistich, 'Thou seekst my death; naught else thy will can satisfy?"

So I entered and finding a bed of green brocade, doffed my dress and passed a night such as I had never passed in my life. And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say. When it was the Six Hundred and Ninetieth Night, She resumed, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Jamil spoke, saying: Never in my life passed I a night like that.