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In the Orange Free States there were also two mines, viz., Jagersfontein and Koffeyfontein, the first of which produced fine white stones. The mines were all divided into claims, the greatest number of which were to be found in the Du Toit's Pan mine. Bultfontein came next. The deepest and most regularly worked was the Kimberley mine.

The diamond-fields at Jagersfontein and Koffyfontein were subsequently discovered and lie deep within the confines of the State.

A week later the Boer riders were dotting the country round Phillipolis, Springfontein and Jagersfontein, the latter town being occupied upon October 16th, while the garrison held out upon the nearest kopje. The town was retaken from the enemy by King Hall and his men, who were Seaforth Highlanders and police.

I ordered General Froneman to proceed from the source of the Kaffir River in the direction of Jagersfontein Road Station, to the west of Dewetsdorp: General Fourie I despatched in the direction of Odendaalsstroom, on the Orange River, to the farm of Klein Kinderfontein, to the west of Smithfield. I then sent scouts to the neighbourhood of Odendaalsdrift.

His clothes were so dusty and his horse so foam-flecked and weary that it was evident that he also had left many a long mile of road behind him. "Have you seen three men on horseback?" cried Ezra as he approached. "I spoke to them," the traveller answered. "They are about half a mile ahead." "Come on! Come on!" Ezra shouted. "I am bringing news from Jagersfontein " the man said. "Come on!"

You don't know what the news was that the man was bringing?" A vague feeling of impending misfortune stole over Ezra. He shook his head. "His news was," said Farintosh, leaning up upon his hand, "that fresh diamond fields have been discovered at Jagersfontein, in the Orange Free State. So Russia, or no Russia, stones will not rise. Ha! ha! will not rise. Look at his face! It's whiter than mine.

Blignant, writing from the Port Elizabeth Refugee Camp, says: 'If we had to complain it would be false complaint, and all the stories about ill-treatment are untrue as far as I can find out. Among the women cared for in this camp was one from Jagersfontein, who boasted and with truth that she had shot two unarmed British soldiers with a revolver.

I soon discovered that my plan had been quite successful. The English marched off in the direction I wished, believing, no doubt, that the rumours they had heard were true; whilst I, on the evening of the 5th of February, 1901, took some of the burghers, with the guns and waggons, to a spot between the stations of Springfontein and Jagersfontein, and the following day remained in hiding.

He had always behaved faithfully and valiantly until, in an engagement at Jagersfontein, he gave up his life, a sacrifice for the rights of his nation. His name will ever be held in honour by his people. These two Vice-Commanders-in-Chief had no easy task to perform. In fact, as every one will admit, it was a giant's burden that I had laid upon their shoulders.

"The Jagersfontein gravel is very rich, and there seems to be plenty of it." "And within a few months we must repay both capital and interest. We are ruined!" The old merchant spoke in a broken voice, and his head sank upon his breast.