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Geoffrey was sleeping upstairs in his bedroom. Yaé was sleeping downstairs on the sofa. He had expected her to return to the hotel after lunch, but her attitude was that of "J'y suis, j'y reste." He awoke with a start to find the girl standing beside his bed. Afterwards he became sure that he had been awakened by the touch of soft fingers on his face. "Wake up, big captain," she was saying.

"And what if I am? I'd chop off their 'eads, I tell ye, with j'y and gusto!" "And pray where is Clemency?" "Eh?" exclaimed the little cobbler, pushing up his horn spectacles, "'oo did ye say?" "Where is the lady who came in here a moment ago?" "Lady?" said the cobbler, shaking his round, bald head, "Lord, sir, your heyes 'as been a-deceiving of you!" "I am her friend!"

If any one will answer these questions for me with something more to the point than feeble talk about the "cowardice of agnosticism," I shall be deeply his debtor. Unless and until they are satifactorily answered, I say of agnosticism in this matter, "J'y suis, et j'y reste."

Jorian was a Mousquetaire, with plumes and ruffles prodigious, and a hen's heart beneath his cock's feathers. 'Pourtant j'y allai. I saw your great ladies, how they carry themselves when they would amuse themselves, and, mon Dieu!

"Fourteen guineas be more than eight fourteen guineas, a florin, one groat and three pennies! Aha, 't is more than she be worth, I think, by reason of her shrewish tongue and unkindly ways, and if only a hindity mengro and no true Camlo yet she be's a rinkinni fakement to look at, but then a bargain is a bargain an' I wishes ye j'y o' her, my young rye!"

And because why?" demanded the little man, his fierce eyes growing fiercer as he stared at Barnabas from modish hat to flowered waistcoat, "because I don't make for the Quality. Quality bah! If I 'ad my way, I'd gillertine 'em all, ah, that I would! Like the Frenchies did when they revolutioned. I'd cut off their 'eads! By the dozen! With j'y!" "You are Nick, the Cobbler, I think?"

Sennacherib, "you did a wise thing when you made up your mind to be a single woman. The men's little more than a worrit the best of 'em and even the childern, as is counted upon for a blessin', brings trouble oftener nor j'y." The visitor pinched her lips together and nodded, as if to say there was no disputing this glaring statement.

Quant a George Eliot elle est tres aimable, mais elle a le defaut de rester toujours assise an meme endroit, et quand il y a du monde, la seule personne qui puisse causer avec elle, est son voisin. Quand j'y retournerai, je m'installerai aupres d'elle, parce que je tiens a la connaitre un peu mieux. J'y ai rencontre Mr.

"So, Guv," piped the Old Un cheerily, "we're out for the criminal's gore specially me. We're goin' to track the perisher to 'is 'orrible doom "'Where'er he be To th' gallers tree Oh, Guv, we mean t' bring him; An' laugh with j'y When nice an' 'igh The blinkin' bobbies swing 'im." "And you think you know who it was?" "I do, Guv, I do!" nodded the Old Un.

If I was the murderous cove you name me, I might cut your throats as ye sit, which would be a j'y, or I might shoot ye or set the place afire an' roast ye, 'stead o' which I spits on an' leaves ye. An' now, young master, for your own sake come along o' me; they'll likely be arter you too for this as a accomplice o' the fact.