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"En ce calme trompeur J'arrivai dans la Grece Et Je trouvois d'abord ces princes rassemblès, Qu'un peril assez grand sembloit avoir troublès. J'y courus. Je pensai que la guerre et la gloire De soins plus importants remplissoit ma memoire Que mes sens reprenant leur premiere vigueur L'amour acheveroit de sortir de mon cœur.

"And yet it is not possible for the honour of a Frenchman that he should be converted in this fashion." He drew himself up, with his wounded wrist stuck into the front of his jacket, "Je suis Chretien. J'y reste," he cried, a gallant falsehood in each sentence. "What do you say, Mr. Stephens?" asked Mansoor in a beseeching voice. "If one of you would change, it might place them in a good humour.

"Ha! too well eddicated, I suppose. Well, 'tis a queer kettle o' fish, but so's life, yet, though heaviness endure for a night, j'y cometh in the morning, and mind, I'm your friend if you're so minded. And now, what I says is let's to sleep, for I must be early abroad."

Enfin regardons la situation actuelle comme penible, mais pas du tout permanente. Tu peux compter que du moment ou je le pourrai je quitterai la Revue; j'y suis bien decide." After this letter, my husband, feeling much better, came back to London to resume his work, and wrote about what he thought most important or most interesting to me.

J'y vis madame de Valse, très-belle femme, du pays de Bohème, laquelle me fit beaucoup d'accueil. Elle me donna un roussin d'un excellent trot, un diamant pour mettre sur mes cheveux,

He has drawn him sitting in a wheelbarrow in the gardens of Lambeth Palace, with underneath him the motto, 'J'y suis, j'y reste. I believe he has on a black mask. Perhaps that is to conceal the likeness." "I have seen it," Mrs. Windsor said; "it is very clever. There are only three lines in the whole picture, two for the wheelbarrow and one for the Archbishop."

There ain't a man in all the world, or as you might say, uni-verse, as is so proper as you to be the husband to our Miss Anthea as was, not nohow, Mr. Belloo sir. I wish you j'y, a j'y as shall grow wi' the years, an' abide wi' you always, both on ye." "That is a very excellent thought Adam!" said Bellew, "and I think I should like to shake hands on it." Which they did, forthwith. "An' now, Mrs.

"'Old 'ard, Guv, let a pore old cove get a word in for a change. Now there's you an' 'er, your fair young spouse, both up to each other's weight, sound in wind an' limb an' meant for j'y what I want is t' see you come to a clinch! This ain't no time for sparrin' an' out-fightin' yet 'ere you are a-feintin' at each other from opposite corners " "But "

My dear Sir, La destruction a atteint son terme, l'oeuvre de reconstruction commence. Elle sera tres difficile, mais je n'en desespere pas, et j'y prendrai quelque part sans sortir de ma cellule. Quelle vie que la mienne!

"Why, Mart'n!" cried he. "Oh, pal here's j'y, choke me wi' a rammer else! Lord, Mart'n three years how time doth gallop! And you no whit changed, save for your beard!