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My sister, my brother-in-law, and their little child, are as well as possible. As to me, I think that, as Buonaparte said of himself after the Russian campaign, J'ai le diable au corps. Ever yours affectionately To Macvey Napier, Esq. Calcutta: November 26, 1836. Dear Napier, At last I send you an article of interminable length about Lord Bacon.

"Theodore, I have wronged you, deeply wronged you; I will say more, I have sinned: but hear me; I am tortured by remorse, I have grown hateful to myself, I could endure my position no longer; how many times have I thought of turning to you, but I feared your anger; I resolved to break every tie with the past.... Puis j'ai ete si malade.... I have been so ill," she added, and passed her hand over her brow and cheek.

Ce n'est qu'une precaution que j'ai cru devoir prendre.... Allez!

Lord bless you, if you saw how I loved the nunneries in Spain! J'ai tres jolly souvenirs of those nunneries; a goodly company of little silver saints; and this waistcoat you see mong gilet was a satin petticoat of our Lady of Loretto." Need I say, that before this speech was concluded, I had recognized in the speaker nobody but that inveterate old villain, Monsoon himself.

I had taken up another sheet to say something more, I know not what; but the appearance of a fine sheep's-head smoking on the table has attractions not to be resisted. Laissez moi diner, "and then," &c. Madame j'ais bien diner, and j'ai fait mettre mon writing-desk sur le table a diner. La pauvre Celeste. Adieu. Frederica, St. Simon's, September 15, 1804.

But Nadaud, like Cyrano de Bergerac, if asked what gave him most delectation, would certainly have replied "Lorsque j'ai fait un vers et que je l'aime, Je me paye en me le chantant a moi-meme." Here is the boy's daily programme when a twelve-year-old student at the College Rollin, Paris.

J'ai eu occasion de me lier, pendant mon séjour

"You see, there was such high degree of womanliness in her, and such tenderness, and what love! Lord! I did not know how to appreciate my happiness then. We would return after the theatre, and have a little supper together. It was never dull where she was, toujours gaie, toujours aimante. Yes, and I had never imagined what rare happiness it was. Et j'ai beaucoup a me reprocher in regard to her.

Je ne connais pas le langage des fleurs, mais si celle-ci ne te dit pas que je t'aime beaucoup beaucoup elle interprete bien mal mes sentiments. "J'ai lu un peu du livre de Max Mueller sur l'etude comparative des langues. C'est excessivement curieux.

"Après avoir examiné attentivement cet objet, d'après les phénomènes que j'ai moi-même observés, et ce que j'ai appris par les observations des autres; j'ai vu que c'étoit l